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Questions related to Structural Equation Modeling
Hi, everyone! I just received the comments of a reviewer who said: you conducted EFA and based on EFA results, run the SEM modeling. You are supposed to conduct a CFA to confirm the EFA...
06 November 2021 7,208 7 View
I am working on an SEM model in MPLUS with survey data (n=300) that has ordinal/binary indicators, multiple imputations (10), and survey weights. My variables are: Y1: latent with 7 ordinal...
04 November 2021 653 4 View
I cannot find sources which gives a thorough explanation of PCA and how to assign the principal components 1 & 2 including their computations. Say for example, my study will explore polyphenol...
04 November 2021 7,387 3 View
Hello, in my dataset some of the categorical data have 18 or more levels? i want to ask can i merge them based on their frequency? or should i keep them in the model as they are? and at what...
02 November 2021 8,037 21 View
I was wondering how to disperse hydrophobic micro particle equally to a surface. The sem image Im getting isnt well disperse maybe due to wrong method or low adherence. Using pressure spray seems...
30 October 2021 6,986 1 View
I have a dataset with some data missing completely at random (most < 10% missing). So far, so good. I am planning on computing regression models. However, the variables in my regression model,...
29 October 2021 6,445 4 View
need to understand what it depicts how to read dendrogram how to make important inferences using this
26 October 2021 7,340 4 View
Hi everyone, I am currently using the Malvern Zetasizer ZS to measure the zeta potential of approximately 5 nm wide Au NPs capped with citrate ligands (10x diluted to about 10^12 NPs/mL), so I...
25 October 2021 3,095 22 View
Dear Al academicians, I hope you are all fine and good in health. I want to ask that which software should I use to Apply Exploratory and confirmatory analysis and SEM in my In research Paper...
24 October 2021 9,236 10 View
The grain boundary of TBC ceramic polishing can not be observed under SEM, and the method of thermal corrosion treatment is usually adopted. However, many cloud covers are observed in the samples...
22 October 2021 6,612 5 View
I developed a martensite substructures generator recently, and my senior told me to generate a bainite model using my generator. But I am not sure if I can do this because there may be differences...
22 October 2021 7,528 3 View
How would Structural Equation Model( SEM) methodology and data analysis fit in the study that seeks to establish the relationship between human development and five factor inflows? Any suggestion...
20 October 2021 7,775 3 View
Hello, I have calculated an average z-score. Now I want to analyze the differences between men and women. Can I use a t-test? If so, how to interpret it. For example: p-value = 0.028; mean men:...
14 October 2021 157 5 View
I have collected the responses from 584 respondents, SEM model is fine but the GFI is showing exactly 1, I think it should be less than 1 and greater than 0.7 according to the threshold set....
13 October 2021 7,691 3 View
I want to use structural equations for modeling. From what I understand, the PLS approach is a predictive model based on components, we build components from observed data while the SEM (...
11 October 2021 4,769 3 View
In a structural equation model with relative variables (for example, percentage change from the previous week), does it make sense to use the chi-square/df value as a measurement for the goodness...
10 October 2021 2,353 4 View
I'm doing a multi-group analysis with MPlus. In addition to other variables, the model contains two latent constructs. With respect to these two constructs, I was wondering if the factors are...
09 October 2021 10,038 2 View
I have problems with cross-level data: a. The main effect of p-value is significant (with Mplus). b. After adding moderator in the model, the p-value of interaction is significant, but the p-value...
08 October 2021 147 5 View
Hello, can anybody explain me how i can make an error-correlation in MPLUS? I would like to do it in SEM and in an explorative way. Any advices are very welcome!
07 October 2021 1,413 3 View
I would like some information on what universities/entities are there that offer full-time programs for endodontics specialization (Master degree) in Germany
07 October 2021 8,428 3 View
Hi, I am using a secondary dataset for a project and using path analysis (SEM) to test a model based on a theoretical framework. As the dataset does not have clear validated scales for each...
05 October 2021 5,815 2 View
I'm looking to match a dataset I have assembled with patents and patent citations six years out from their date of application following Phene and Almeida (2008). Given that these variables are...
05 October 2021 2,522 2 View
Hi, We have 4 stepwise regression models (each containing the same 5 predictors, with a different dependant measure). What method should be used in order to correct for multiple comparisons in...
04 October 2021 3,174 8 View
Hey all, I am conducting a CFA on a well know theory, the technology acceptance model theory. In one of the latent variables, I am getting both the AVE and the CR equal to approximately .75. I...
02 October 2021 4,442 4 View