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Questions related to Probability Theory
X is a covariance matrix of a gaussian vector R with a zero mean. Let Q=sign(R), that is Q_i=1 when R_i >=0 and Q_i=-1 when R_i < 0. Prove that...
06 June 2017 4,636 0 View
Is the following function F:[0,1] to [0,1] F strictly monotonic increasing F(1)=1,(i presume this unnecessary as its specified by the first two (1)ie x+y=1 if and only iof F(x)+F(y)=1...
06 June 2017 10,062 1 View
source modeling
06 May 2017 3,362 8 View
05 May 2017 4,199 9 View
I did analyzed these counts (about 100 C/S) by poisson function and gaussian function and i observed that, nearly there is no difference between using of a gaussian and poisson...
04 April 2017 2,100 4 View
At the end of the nineteenth century, many researchers concentrated on various alternative methods based on the theory of infinite series. These methods have been combined under a single heading...
27 February 2017 1,871 11 View
Dear all, I am searching a result concerning the weak convergence of signed measures defined on the Borel algebra of a given metric space. The result that i find so far is established for weak...
11 February 2017 2,746 3 View
I was wondering if there are any set of n; n>=3continuous or somewhat smooth functions (certain polynomials), all of which have the same domain [0,1] f^n(min,max):[0,1] \to[min,max]; where...
05 February 2017 6,111 4 View
What are the distinctions between 1. Continuity, And also first part of rao and rao...
02 February 2017 6,847 8 View
Dear respected researcher, Imagine that you have a theory that, in the long run, drawing pins land pin-up 2/3 of the time when tossed high in the air (and pin-down the other 1/3 of the time). The...
02 February 2017 1,964 2 View
Dear researchers, How can be calculated the failure probability for a component with λ=1*E-6 failure per hour and a month (τ=1 month) proof test interval at one year؟ Please see the following files.
01 January 2017 8,775 2 View
Let's say the initial population in NSGA ii is i.i.d and uniformly distributed. Has anyone done research about what we can say about the distribution after k iterations in NSGA ii? The...
01 January 2017 2,442 1 View
I attached two working papers on this question.
12 December 2016 8,021 0 View
I have a Gaussian model, I would like to classify new experimental data. Does Mahalanobis distance approach is a good starting point to evaluate the probability distribution? Or is there any...
12 December 2016 4,377 3 View
Does anyone know of basic way to solve the pdf of the angle formed by two random points in a xy plane. I have gone through few methods but found very complex. I would like to solve by...
11 November 2016 9,198 12 View
Let {A_n} be a sequence of sets, limsup A_n=, liminf A_n and lim A_n are defined in probability theory. I would like to know who introduced this notions and find some papers on this...
24 October 2016 1,659 7 View
10 October 2016 9,771 8 View
I have read that a drawback with Edgeworth series expansion is that "... they can be inaccurate, especially in the tails, due to mainly two reasons: (1) They are obtained under a Taylor series...
10 October 2016 6,445 3 View
Well! Generalized (G-) classes with more than 2 parameters are around. The questions is "the model with more than 3 shape parameters is worthy?" Many statisticians have on objection on fitting...
09 September 2016 3,598 12 View
significance of gender as dummy variable
09 September 2016 1,697 3 View
Our Meth8 logic model checker invalidates []( []A > A) = []A by proving only one model in five (Model 2.2 only).. Here is the theorem output: Test input as processed is: (#(#A>A)=#A) FCNT...
09 September 2016 2,945 0 View
02 September 2016 5,204 11 View
Given a set of values of a variable x= 40, 25, 20, 15, 12, and 5: The probability of exceedance of a value x=20 written as P (x>=20) can be got by arranging data is descending order thus...
08 August 2016 9,540 8 View
Let x=(x_1,...,x_n)' and w=(w_1,...,w_n)' are two n-component random vectors. w is independent of x. x has a standard normal distribution (N(0,I_n)). Why the following equality is...
08 August 2016 6,091 8 View