I was wondering if there are any set of n; n>=3continuous or somewhat smooth functions (certain polynomials), all of which have the same domain [0,1]

f^n(min,max):[0,1] \to[min,max]; where max>min, min, max\in [0,1] that have these properties

1.\forall v \in [0,1]\sum_n=1\toN(f^n(v)=1; for all values in the domain [0,1], the sum of the 'function values' =1at all points in this domain, and for all possible min and max values of the ranges of the n functions

2. The n functions have   range continuously between [min,max], max>=min, both in [0,1]; and will all reach their maximum at some point, but only once (if possible).

3. These functions must reach their global maximum value only  at the same point on the domain st,t the other distinct functions attain their global minimum value. These global minima for each fi,  may occur at multiple points in the domain [0,1] .

4. There is, for each point in the domain, under which any distinct function fi\neqfj,( fj j\neqi) reaches a global maxima, at  least one point (the same point) in the domain  s.t that  any fi attains its global  minima. Correspondingly, each function fi has (or at least) n-1 points (in the domain) under which it attains its global minima, if each of the n functions has a singular point in the domain under which it attains its global maxima (the n-1 points corresponding to the distinct points in the domain under which the n-1 distinct functions, fj\neqfi attain their global maxima .

That is, for each, of the (n-1) global maximum values of the range of the other functions, f^i;kneqi, where there are n functions  ; the  value of the domain in [0,1] when one function reaches its maximum, is the same value of the domain wherein other functions at which they all reach their absolute minimum . W

5. The max values of the range of said functions,  f^n= 1-\sum_{i;i\neqn}(min(ranf^i)). Ie the maximum value of the functions, f^i for all i\in{1,n} for n functions, is set by  1- sum (of the min function value/range of the other 'distinct' n-1 functions)

5. It must be such that whenever the minimum values are set so as to sum to one. ie min of any function= max of that same function for all such functions; that all  the functions values become a flat line (ie, ie min=max, for such functions)

6.This should be possible for all possible combinations of min values of all 'n' f's (functiions), So each combination of n, non negative values in [0,1] inclusive that sum to one. So one should be able to set the min value of any given value of a function to any value in [0,1], so long as the conjoint sum, sums to one. Likewise presumable if any such function is set such that min=max, all of them are, and these will mins will add to one.

It must be be such that these functions should have to change, to make this work.So that for all min, max range values for the n functions and all elements in their domain (which is common to all and is [0,1])  these function values \forall(n, min function values)\forall(v in [0,1])\sumf^i(v) sum to one

6. Moreover and most importantly they must also allow for the non trivial case where the function minimums do not sum to one (ie are not all flat lines); but such that the sum of the values of the function of all such functions sum to one for all values in their common domain ,v=[0,1](which just is their domain, as their domains;f^i:[0,1]->[min,max] are the same).

Ie so that the functions will range between a maximum and minimum values (which are not equal) in a continuous and smooth fashion (no gaps, steps or spikes).

In this case it must be such that it possible for the the sum of the minimum values, to sum to some positive value smaller then one, although not greater than one, or smaller then zero; for all or 'some' possible combinations (obviously values may not be possible. although, not in virtue of the sum of the functions at some point not being one, but because the max has been set to be smaller then the min for some function; that is the sum of the mins is a particular combination greater then one; (ie 7 function min=0.16....., so that max of fi=1-1=03,4,5,6,7,,,,four sets of such sets of 3,4,5,6,7 functions that will do this.

And then given this; it must also be such that the function can be modified so that a function only ever has a minimum of 0 if the maximum is 0; without having to set th sum of the mins of the function to 1.

And likewise such that the function only ever reaches a max of one if its min is one, unless under certain circumstancess; unless that is, it is possible to do this,for the same reason; without doing this having to set the sum of the mins to one. If indeed one does want some of the functions to range between. If possible, Although, What is most important, is that if any function has a min and max set to one, all of the rest of the functions values sit at zero for all v in [0,1].

It also must be such that if the maximum range value for any given function f1 is larger than that of another function f2 in the set, then f1's minimum value will be larger then that of f2's minimum range value; and conversely.

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