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Questions related to Probability Theory
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03 March 2014 9,380 2 View
As we know that sum of independent and identical bernoulli random variable is Binomial. Similarly, the sum of independent, but non identical bernoulli random variable is poission-binomial. What...
03 March 2014 1,885 2 View
Given any positive number N>0, define a set S to be {1,2,3,...2N}. Suppose we randomly draw N number (exclusively) out of this set S, and compute the sum of these N numbers, call it A. Apparently...
03 March 2014 7,527 19 View
Let X be a random variable with values on the (classical) Wiener space whose law is absolutely continuous w.r.t. the reference Wiener measure (and satisfying a proper notion of "mean zero" and...
03 March 2014 2,353 4 View
01 March 2014 7,628 2 View
There are quite a few instances where Levy Distribution is used instead of Gaussian or Cauchy Distribution. What exactly is this distribution? When is it used? When does it fail?
02 February 2014 9,546 7 View
I am looking for this journal. Its not available in my university database. Anybody who have this journal article, please do share with me." H Neill & H Shuard : Teaching Calculus (Blackie) 1982"
02 February 2014 9,579 1 View
I thought about an algorithm that I think solves 3 - SAT with high probability in polynomial time (DEA, the dual expression algorithm, see attachment). I have not been able to prove the polynomial...
02 February 2014 8,861 2 View
We need to have a non-fuzzy mathematical explanation about probability theory and possibility theory. Are they related? If the answer is affirmative, then what is the exact relationship? Please...
01 January 2014 5,979 30 View
I have considered Hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of clayey soil as random variable with log normal distribution. I have got negative mean (lambda) after the determination of measures of variation....
12 December 2013 6,887 6 View
Improving the design weight if an estimator
12 December 2013 2,632 2 View
Most multivariate techniques, such as Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Factor Analysis, MANOVA and Multivariate Regression are based on an assumption of multivariate normality. On occasion when...
12 December 2013 558 15 View
There is always a lower bound for an unbiased estimator called Cramer-Rao Lower Bound which is tight in the case of Gaussian random vectors. Does any one know any upper bound for minimum variance...
20 November 2013 8,522 11 View
11 November 2013 8,956 12 View
Does anyone know how to produce a stochastic flow that preserves the gaussian measure on R^d? I haven't found any literature about this. Of course, for the lebesgue measure we can say something...
12 October 2013 8,102 3 View
10 October 2013 6,631 3 View
Two groups are assumed to follow Weibull distributions with different parameters, which are unknown. Maximum likelihood estimates of unknown parameters have been obtained.
10 October 2013 1,199 1 View
A necessary condition of probability-based decision making and causal reasoning is that the probability of an event or outcome exists and can be known. However, in more broad circumstances such a...
09 September 2013 4,349 1 View
Many of the current methods for assessing risks depends on probabilities and events as randomly distributed occurences. This does not fit with intentional acts that can be persistent, reoccuring,...
09 August 2013 8,653 3 View
Randomness can be due to a lot of unknown hidden causes. In this case, the random nature is an "optical delusion;" but, in fact, they are phenomena determined by their causes. By contrast,...
08 August 2013 8,277 23 View
08 August 2013 7,608 4 View
Alice & Bob enter a game where each have a necktie and they call an independent judge to decide who has the better looking necktie. The judge takes the better necktie and awards it to the other...
13 June 2013 944 26 View
06 June 2013 6,211 27 View
What does moment generating function mean in it?
28 May 2013 8,916 3 View