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Questions related to Plants
I was wondering how to calculate the number of seeds I need to plant. Is there a specific formula?
04 August 2019 8,734 7 View
Can anyone help me to identify these plants? Thanks in advance for your kindness
07 July 2019 9,183 10 View
Using a chlorophyll fluorometer (Mini-PAM; Walz; Effeltrich, Germany) I plotted ETR vs PPFD curves. What software / r package/excel sheet can I used to fit this data to a rectangular hyperbola...
07 July 2019 4,861 3 View
Plants growth occurs through cell division at their meristems. However, there exist thousand-years old trees. Do their meristematic quiescent cells divide at an exceptionally slow rate, or are...
07 July 2019 8,458 5 View
Dear All, I would like if someone can send me a standard curve of IAA (Indol 3 acetic acid) Thank you
07 July 2019 2,051 3 View
I need to analyse total leaf nitrogen (and nitrate) concentration for thousands of samples. Does anyone know of a place that provides this service in the US? Also, what would be the minimum amount...
07 July 2019 6,171 1 View
Can any one explain me that addition of nanoparticles enhances the growth of plant and produces more yield. If so, can anyone list me the nanoparticles i can use Plant is Tomato and Aubergines
25 June 2019 5,550 3 View
I have tried bead-beating and freeze thawing methods with no luck, yet Thanks!
06 June 2019 10,079 2 View
I need to buy analytical standards for grayanotoxin I, II and III. I only find the type I. Roberta Merlanti
16 May 2019 2,766 4 View
Dear RG Colleagues, I need help to identify this plant. I found only four individuals. Thank you Regards AK
05 May 2019 1,977 31 View
05 May 2019 2,252 5 View
I want to conduct an experiment using the seeds of Ceratonia siliqua but the species is not growing in my country so I didn't find any local supplier. The seed must be untreated, as this fact is...
22 April 2019 4,415 2 View
04 April 2019 9,142 2 View
What is the ideal pH, protein and moisture content required for such silage to be used as animal feed? What could be the potential toxic stuffs that could be present in silage?
14 March 2019 2,640 5 View
In the humid montane forest in the province Luya, department of Amazonas, Peru at about 2000 m.a.s.l. i took a picture of this strange looking sprout. Someone knows what plant it is?
03 March 2019 7,876 14 View
Hello, I work with root lesion nematode resistance in barley. For that, I need to perform resistance test under the greenhouse conditions. I have a DH population that I grow in the greenhouse....
08 February 2019 9,039 4 View
02 February 2019 4,912 5 View
Hello all, I measured XRD in sieved dried surface soil samples but one sample has broad hump around 20 degrees. What do you think about that? Is dried plants shows this kind of pattern? Because...
24 January 2019 2,941 2 View
Protein is the most expensive ingredient in feed formulation and work continue to explore new and different alternative sources but do they really proved practical or advantageous?
14 January 2019 6,675 6 View
I am interested in knowing more on the impacts of plastic litter and other solid wastes on terrestrial fauna (excluding ingestion by birds and mammals). I am also especially interested in any...
01 January 2019 5,145 5 View
Dear RG Colleagues, Can you please help me to identify this tree species?! Best regards Abdenour PS: Best wishes through this happy new year
01 January 2019 5,958 8 View
Dear RG Colleagues, Can someone help me to identify this plant species? Thank you Abdenour
01 January 2019 1,546 12 View
Dear RG Colleagues, What could make a research study conclude with: " This animal or plant species is endangered and must be mentioned in the red list" ? What are the most important criteria to...
01 January 2019 6,978 7 View
it is for a colleague in Biology Department. Detailed information about it ( classification , nutrition,etc)
16 December 2018 637 5 View