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Questions related to Plant Biology
I don't have liquid nitrogen, so can I store whole plants (stem, root, leaves) for further DNA and enzyme analysis in a normal home refrigerator?
18 November 2014 4,340 8 View
Can anyone suggest a wound-inducible promoter with high performance for dicotyledon? Thanks,
17 November 2014 4,082 1 View
Please recommend me a reference.Thanks a lot!
15 November 2014 3,812 3 View
If I have a liquid culture of developing embryos, which will include haploid, doubled-haploid (diploid) and a small amount of tetraploids, I'd ideally like to do something to kill off all the non...
14 November 2014 1,957 0 View
I want to investigate the differentiation between leaves of the same species that grow under different light intensities.
06 November 2014 574 8 View
I want to measure the length of primary roots with or without agent treatment to know whether this agent can recover the length of primary roots. However, my seedlings of Arabidopsis are always...
04 November 2014 4,545 15 View
Question: When attempting to measure ice nucleation points in leaves, is it better to attach a thermocouple probe to the outside of the leaf or to insert it directly into the leaf?Background: One...
03 November 2014 8,951 6 View
I need to isolate and observe if something is wrong with the photosystems of my plants. If you know of any protocols for testing the photosystems please share with me.Thank you
03 November 2014 2,700 7 View
Basal salts plus 0.5% colloidal Chitin plus 15 g/l agar agar, pH 5-6 failed to solidify? Why and how to solve it.
28 October 2014 4,598 3 View
I want to consider all reasons for decreasing dynamic viscosity after addition of cosurfactant.
15 October 2014 2,197 5 View
Forest Type: Dry Deciduous Forest.
14 October 2014 7,700 11 View
Are there any tips for obtaining clear images (20x) of cell files in each zone of Arabidopsis roots? I normally fix them first in 96% ethanol and mount them in chloral hydrate. However, due to the...
13 October 2014 3,524 7 View
Plants have evolved a variety of adaptive mechanisms that allow them to optimize growth and development while coping with environmental stresses. These mechanisms include seed and bud dormancy,...
03 October 2014 9,948 17 View
Does anyone have an idea of a kind of tool which allows the follow-up of the early development of Arabidopsis roots whilst being able to submit short term treatments? For example by changing the...
02 October 2014 9,461 8 View
I am using a methodology of pollen extraction from another in which anthers are shaken in hexane and pollen then extracted from hexane by millipore filter assembly. I want to replace the millipore...
26 September 2014 2,972 2 View
I would like to know whether just a simple and single measurement system like sap flow meter with TDP or other probes is enough for monitoring the water consumption rate of tree crops like...
17 September 2014 882 4 View
So does anyone know among various chlorophyll traits (Chlorophyll A, Chlorophyll B, Total Chlorophyll and Chlorophyll A/B ratio), is there any one best trait that can be used for measuring drought...
11 September 2014 2,495 23 View
Recently discovered that the fruit of okra deformity, would you please help to see what causes?
09 September 2014 6,790 10 View
In xylem, hydraulic conductivity measurements, what is the desired concentration of bleach that should be used in order to constrain bacterial growth on the samples before the vacuum process?
08 September 2014 6,789 3 View
02 September 2014 10,098 10 View
Does anyone in the plant biology group know of a good commercial source of nicotiana tabacum cv havana seeds?
21 August 2014 1,594 4 View
I've been trying to find corolla tube lengths for flowering plants I have on my study meadows in Finland, but that task seems to be harder than I expected. Flora Europea (Tutin et al. 1964-80)...
15 August 2014 3,256 3 View
08 August 2014 476 3 View
Valencia. Spain
08 August 2014 9,818 44 View