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Questions related to Philosophy Of Science
Skepticism (or methodological or methodical doubt) is a philosophical school of thought within the context of modern empiricism and rationalism, particularly with Descartes. The methodical doubt...
06 June 2015 352 1 View
The theory of error is basically treated in specific fields of application such as epistemology, philosophy of science and theories of formalized systems. Error in philosophy refers to something...
06 June 2015 7,771 1 View
“When one man speaks to another man who doesn't understand him,and when the man who's speaking no longer understands, it's metaphysics”. -Voltaire, Candide, 1759 Falsifiability is the criterion...
06 June 2015 4,436 7 View
Can anyone suggest studies focusing students' perspectives on school science experimentation? I am particularly interested in:a) how students understand the general nature of school science...
06 June 2015 347 0 View
In his short essay, “How Great Equations Survive,” Nobel laureate physicist Steven Weinberg argues that though equations survive through scientific change, they are reinterpreted in light of the...
06 June 2015 5,011 49 View
"I think therefore I am" ... René Descartes. With this famous quote one of the great early philosopher of science questioned the validity of everything. Let me quote from “wiki”: Profoundly...
06 June 2015 751 13 View
In the late nineteenth century the structure of knowledge was being defined in such a way as to suggest that philosophy could definitely disappear. In the course of the century some key...
06 June 2015 9,604 34 View
01 June 2015 3,729 34 View
I am interested in knowing some recent replies to "naturalistic" or "is-ought" fallacy from the very naturalism in epistemology.
06 May 2015 6,707 17 View
I've recently stumbled on George Dvorsky's post on io9 ( He brings forward 8 such questions: 1. Why is there something...
05 May 2015 9,769 14 View
Generally perception attributes first-order properties to objects e.g. being a specific shade of red. I'm interested in whether perception might attribute second-order properties to objects: e.g....
05 May 2015 5,418 71 View
Familiarity with science topicsScience projects should be perceived as ‘feasible’ in at least one human-defined scale of analysis. Proposing a scientifically feasible project requires time and at...
05 May 2015 7,023 16 View
I am trying to gain a better understanding of the implications causal set theory has for an organism’s experience of the environment. I am a psychologist by trade, so I want to be sure that I am...
05 May 2015 5,435 0 View
I am interested NOT in research in the area of the philosophy of science (e.g. Kuhn, Popper, Feyerabend, etc), but, specifically, in the sociology of science with a particular focus on scientists'...
05 May 2015 5,940 2 View
Even better if these address the issue in special sciences, and especially in neuroscience and psychology.
10 April 2015 8,539 8 View
It is known that our modern sciences are built on the Aristotelian system of philosophy. Even earlier than that it is known, that greek culture had a complete and sound system of scientific...
04 April 2015 6,418 46 View
In the short piece linked, physicist Dmitri Krioukov makes the case that we must expect complex systems (such as brains) to reduce to simple physical systems. Furthermore, he cautions that the...
04 April 2015 6,114 0 View
04 April 2015 9,080 9 View
This question concerns a phd. student who wants to develop workshops as an alternative to traditional ways of music rehearsals. The problem is that she lacks the foundational theories of knowledge...
04 April 2015 2,416 3 View
Someone said that the potency of an idea could be gauged by the amount of controversy it receives.
04 April 2015 1,073 22 View
Science is a philosophical search for the truth in all disciplines. Is it therefore anti-scientific to profess to have found it? Why do some scientists feel that they have to force their own...
04 April 2015 9,983 0 View
Some people say both mathematics and philosophy are not science, because they deal with purely abstract entities. Still some others say both mathematics and philosophy are science, because the...
03 March 2015 9,137 25 View
Historical data/facts/events can be lost for many reasons. is it important to keep track of the history of a company/organization, and if so, why?
02 February 2015 10,057 10 View
A question after reading some parts of the book from Cecilia Lewis Kausel (Design and Intuition. Structures, Interiors & The Mind) Historians situate the origin of human-created geometrical...
01 January 2015 6,192 67 View