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Questions related to Philosophy Of Science
How is "philosophy of science" defined today? Please comment on ; (1) theorists in the philosophy of science today, (2) the question(s) they are asking, and (3) the theories they are developing,...
11 November 2017 9,941 3 View
Has the "philosophy of science" contributed (1) to the "advancement of science in general" or (2) to the "advancement of a particular science"? Please specify what was the nature of the...
11 November 2017 3,794 3 View
Because such argument give a chance to everybody to make a critical comment on them. I spent plenty of time dealing with the issue of mind & computation. One of the best known arguments in this...
11 November 2017 2,504 6 View
Can species-typical qualitative changes in learning (with ontogeny) be related to ANYTHING (distinct and directly observable in the environment and in the response) of the individual human? If...
11 November 2017 6,524 0 View
Suppose one has a numerical order (objective probability) that is to be represented by another numerical order F (subjective probability) .Where the events are ordered pointwise numerically. W...
10 October 2017 2,988 0 View
Supposedly, it would be a sub-field of sociology of knowledge. However, entering sociology of knowledge, I realized that there is no clear distincting between philosophy, history and sociology of...
08 August 2017 5,843 4 View
Each person is in a "box" (with respect to their thinking -- even me); isn't it important to recognize precisely what your "box" is? Your box may be more open or closed. Many need not only think...
08 August 2017 4,879 0 View
I say so. [Re: full, direct, proximate empirical grounding* (distinct, clear and replicable):] All science should be at least be clearly and beyond doubts pointing that way (i.e. at least clear...
08 August 2017 4,936 7 View
presume that midpoint convex F: [0,1] to [0,1] is monotone increasing (not necessarily strictly ) F(0)=0 ,F(0.5)=0.5 F(1)=1 , As its monotone increasing and midpoint convex with F(0)=0 F(1)=1 it...
07 July 2017 1,249 0 View
Isn't the only way to well understand resultant behaviors to "get ahead" of them? AND, wouldn't this necessarily have to do with better understanding PERCEPTION _AND_ THAT including any innately...
05 May 2017 9,152 2 View
Another, longer version of the question: Is hypothetical "social learning" (with no direct evidence) a major false "crutch" for NOT seeing the individual organism and major ways it encounters...
05 May 2017 3,111 5 View
Independently of our social status or our degrees, we all have the right to do science. We do science if: 1. We do an objective observation, an experiment or a rigorous reasoning based on...
04 April 2017 8,181 11 View
Having no acces to the Philosophy of Science journal I was wondering if someone can supply me with a copy of the review Paul Teller wrote on Arthur Fines' The Shaky Game. (Review of The Shaky...
03 March 2017 7,086 1 View
Please, have a look at the paper in the link and the diagram. I believe in Consistent History: Measurements performed now limit the set of outcomes in the future to a set of compatible outcomes...
03 March 2017 2,229 38 View
Historical sciences as cosmology, historical geology and paleontology study past entities, events and processes of their respectives objects of study (the universe, the planet earth, organisms)....
11 November 2016 2,821 2 View
There is a fundamental difference between philosophy and science. The aim of science is “control”, while the aim of philosophy is “understanding”. The faster and easier way of obtaining control...
11 November 2016 2,769 14 View
mples of models that have satisfied scotts infinite representation (probability)theorem? Does it make some kind of archimedean assumption or does that need to be assumed to meet said constraints;...
11 November 2016 3,309 2 View
GIven that the projection postulate (i believe) and/or the collapse postulate are often considered additions to the quantum formalism; is the notion of a preferred basis, the basis upon which a...
11 November 2016 2,027 13 View
I remember reading C. Piron suggesting (in a paper) that his two compatible complement (or orthocomplented) questions corresponding to a questions 'is it 'spin up' 'such that spin up would be the...
11 November 2016 7,421 1 View
1.Have systems involving say spin 1/2 particles even been implemented which verify or would exhibit the contextual characteristics of the three box paradox and or spectors parable of the seer,...
11 November 2016 7,972 1 View
In order to single out the contexts under which two quantum observables are considered to have the same probability for spin up and or spin down, such that non-contextuality of probabilities...
11 November 2016 2,785 4 View
Hola everybody As you know, since many years back, we have an international scientific community that publishes most of their findings and ideas in English although most countries worldwide do not...
17 September 2016 1,759 16 View
Suppose there are two observers: A and B. They have a constant speed relative to each other. Each person has a clock with him, and thus the position of each observer is clearly known by the other...
09 September 2016 4,454 67 View
02 September 2016 5,890 66 View