The scientific study of the nervous system | Contact experts in Neuroscience to get answers
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Questions related to Neuroscience
I've been started to study about CHAOS, and my main major is EEG signal processing. I'm working on a bigger project that is about detecting and classifying emotion, attention or memorization in...
11 November 2017 7,634 4 View
I am doing an experiment that involves injecting virus expressing mCherry-tagged channelrhodopsin under the synapsin promoter (AAV-hSyn-hChR2(H134R)-mCherry) into a mouse containing a GFP reporter...
11 November 2017 1,107 3 View
Impact of mindfulness practices on cognitive abilities (the link between the historical practice of mindfulness (thousands of years old) to modern day neuroscience) - the fact that mindfulness...
10 October 2017 6,795 2 View
Dualism and non-dualism have been discussed by humans from different cultures for millennia. Despite the growth of research into meditation and mindfulness there has been very little work in this...
10 October 2017 7,579 10 View
Hi everyone, I have some questions regarding astrocytes morphology, primary culture, and MBP expression pattern. I am new in the field of neuroscience. I am working on knockin mice of ALS...
10 October 2017 1,091 4 View
As part of our investigations into the current state of psychiatry, I would like to ask how academics and practitioners, researchers and clinicians, and of course professors of psychiatry, see...
10 October 2017 571 28 View
How does Epigenetics impact on Habit Formation or Stoppage of an Addiction?
10 October 2017 4,140 2 View
as you know scientists say that we can use neuroscience to change the behavior , so can we use it to increase human sens of responsibility?? what about other behaviors???
10 October 2017 8,489 2 View
Dear Colleagues, In neuroscientific research there seems to be no uniform distinction between early language acquisition versus late language learning. Operationally, individuals exposed to two...
10 October 2017 7,582 6 View
What are the newly established ground linking the brain to experiences with architecture/for example PPA’s reaction to repetitive landscape or mass produced (banal) urban housing in contrast to...
30 September 2017 4,649 3 View
I have 300+ participants to analyze in Kubios for heart rate variability. Currently, the only option I know of, is to save each data file one by one, which is very time consuming. Is there a way...
25 September 2017 8,868 1 View
WIth the increase in Neuroscience and the ability to change behavior through learning about oneself through Neurofeedback does another know any current research in the Juvenile Justice system for...
09 September 2017 8,322 4 View
I am trying to locate muscle 8 and 11 in mosquito head so that I can remove these muscles and reduce the brain movement.
09 September 2017 3,082 2 View
some experts discover a new way by thinking to train disable people to move.the way is that person imagin him or her to do that movement for example running with out doing any can be...
09 September 2017 2,951 6 View
09 September 2017 8,947 1 View
there are some theories that we can get required signals by EMG from that organ when it is inuse. so we can design orbits that do that movement in the same this way perhaps we need...
09 September 2017 2,105 2 View
if we can find the pattern of normal walking ,we can compare any pattern of different people with normal one and diagnosis problem in neuromuscular is the way just like electrocardiogram...
09 September 2017 5,821 3 View
09 September 2017 4,806 4 View
Hi all I am staining mouse brain sections for PV and NeuN. My protocol has me perfusing the animals with 4% PFA, leaving the brains overnight in 4% PFA, then switching the brain to sucrose....
26 August 2017 1,569 7 View
Suppose we want to group subjects using the “Emotion Regulation Questionnaire” (Gross and john, 2003). First, is there any reported cutoff points for this scale? and second, if there is no any...
19 August 2017 4,744 2 View
I want to use DREADD inhibitory system to manipulate the activity of mPFC and use it in social behavior in mice. I bought the virus and I used it -for testing- in Fear conditioning and OFL...
08 August 2017 533 4 View
I am using LDH assay to measure cell cytotoxicity of N27 cells treated with MPP+. N27 cells have been treated with 160 µM, 320 µM, 640 µM, 1.2 mM, and 2.5 mM of MPP+. After 24 hour incubation...
08 August 2017 7,797 7 View
08 August 2017 1,314 8 View
TTX blockage or entorhinal denervation(in organotipical cultures) increase mEPSC amplitudes in hippocampus so is there a paper in which they show chronically decreased mEPSC amplitudes?
25 July 2017 555 4 View