11 November 2017 3 1K Report

I am doing an experiment that involves injecting virus expressing mCherry-tagged channelrhodopsin under the synapsin promoter (AAV-hSyn-hChR2(H134R)-mCherry) into a mouse containing a GFP reporter for my cells of interest (glial cells, so no neurons should be labeled). The intent is to excite neurons (which should be the only cells expressing ChR2/mCherry) and assess the effects on surrounding glial cells, which should be expressing GFP.

However, I ran into an issue where I get profuse labeling of neurons when I perform GFP antibody staining, specifically in areas that have been infected by the virus. I have confirmed that this seems to be some interaction between my GFP antibody and the ChR2 virus, as even wildtype mice injected with ChR2 virus that should have no GFP labeling have the same non-specific staining.

I have tried two different kinds of GFP primaries (rabbit and chicken) and both have given me the same result. I also thought it may be non-specific binding to the mCherry protein, but other Q&A topics on ResearchGate seem to suggest that mCherry and GFP are quite different proteins, and you wouldn't expect such an interaction. Finally, it is perplexing that the neurons labeled by the GFP antibody are usually not the same ones positive for mCherry.

Does anybody have an idea what might be going on here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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