if we can find the pattern of normal walking ,we can compare any pattern of different people with normal one and diagnosis problem in neuromuscular system.it is the way just like electrocardiogram that we use it for diagnostic situations.
There are definitely several ways to do so via EKG signal processing and statistical analysis, among other methods, for specific disease detection/estimation/analysis, particularly if you'd be able to combine it with additional measurements of other types rather than looking solely at EKGs, perhaps by consulting to MDs/physical therapists/surgeons/neuromuscular specialists to design an experiment.
Are you asking if there are types of footsteps which are considered normal and if you can diagnose conditions by measuring these parameters? In which case gait is very well studied and used for analysis of animal models with gait problems and also in human patients- briefly described here: https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/320160-overview#a1