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Questions related to Globalization
I am researching the role of accounting in carbon tax acceptance. What assumptions do you think can be made about this and how can information be gathered?
11 May 2021 9,047 6 View
I need to realistic seenario and realistic example in the direction of performance and cooperation microservices with devops and cloud. would you please help me ,I need to your guide and...
24 April 2021 4,257 4 View
After African states obtained their independence, the artificial and poorly demarcated borders of many countries were considered the most potent source of conflict and political instability. This...
15 April 2021 6,519 4 View
More precisely: How much of the stock of physical capital in the USA is owned by Chinese households and vice versa? Background: I want to calibrate a simple two country model of the USA and China...
15 April 2021 6,362 1 View
It is observed that significant % of population has followed a wide range of ayurvedic formulations to boost immunity and to prevent COVID. Many have found significant benefit at clinical level....
14 April 2021 3,376 3 View
What are the limitations of hyper-heuristic and meta-heuristics optimization algorithms that are used for scheduling problems?
10 April 2021 6,853 5 View
Hi, I'm interested in solving a nonconvex optimization problem that contains continuous variables and categorical variables (e.g. materials) available from a catalog. What are the classical...
01 April 2021 2,930 19 View
Hello, Do you know of any available public opinion data from Europe (or OECD countries) that asks about opinions on women's place in society? Gender Quotas? Perception of women in the work place?...
30 March 2021 967 7 View
To study the impact of different levels of immersion, We are looking at select games or VR content. To choose the VR content, are there any metrics quantifying the level of immersion.
25 March 2021 1,750 9 View
how can I obtain the glow curve data from TLD system 4500, to plot the graph in an excel/Origin sheet. OR How to obtain the data to plot the graph in temperature vs TL intensity (XY) plot in...
24 March 2021 8,332 2 View
I want to check how the humidity, temperature affect the product quality inside a container during transportation. An ocean-going mother vessel passes through different tough weather conditions...
15 March 2021 4,504 4 View
Good morning/evening in the years I've used R extensively (mostly the package ggplot2) in order to produce high resolution plots of my data. Since I'm about to start a new project that involves...
13 March 2021 2,038 5 View
Dear All I need to work as a team with you as a co-author or main author as a team for research activities, major area of interest is HRM, Leadership. Please do contact me and lets start work on...
08 March 2021 3,812 20 View
I am researching the atmospheric dynamics of Titan, the giant moon of the planet Saturn. I have established the presence of solid methane in the bulk of the moon’s atmosphere. Does anyone have any...
27 February 2021 8,538 1 View
I need microsatellites developed for two species with no reference genome. I've done this myself before but it is very labor intensive, and I'd rather outsource it. But I can't find many companies...
23 February 2021 1,269 0 View
Could the "incoming solar radiation" values be negative? What is the difference between "global solar radiation" and "incoming solar radiation"? Which one might be measured negative values?
22 February 2021 8,133 9 View
Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) method is known as a heuristic optimization technique thatThe multi-Objective does not guarantee to reach global optimality. Why the algorithm...
19 February 2021 4,905 6 View
The parameters of the algorithm MOPSO are fixed. How can we know if those values are optimal and if they allow reaching the global optimum of the optimization program?
19 February 2021 4,426 0 View
Hi, just wondering if anyone can please tell me how you calculate the PSDI and PST global indices of distress (from the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised by Leonard Derogatis, 1994) in SPSS? Many...
09 February 2021 5,628 2 View
I need high purity specialist Nylons (1/4,6/2 and 6/6) custom made, but so far have not been able to identify a supplier for the first 2. I first tried Merck then a handful of polymer specialists...
09 February 2021 7,963 0 View
What if we go for one single global currency? than every country has its own currency. Currency exchange commission etc. (Advantages/Disadvantages)
05 February 2021 9,233 3 View
Dear colleagues, Climate change is one of a global catastrophic risks.Therefore, what are the latest solving and treatments to the climate change problem? Really, your valuable contribution will...
05 February 2021 7,714 33 View
Migratory birds are globally scattered. What should be the ways to track them? Except ARGOS. Elaborate.
26 January 2021 2,655 4 View
Why is there no global interest in using alternatives to rebar? GFRP has many advantages such as 1-High strength. 2-Corrosion resistance 2-High Insulation. it is better than Steel Rebars?
25 January 2021 6,026 6 View