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Questions related to Elementary Particle Physics
The latest discovery of the BICEP2 shed new light on negative gravity. Nevertheless it's still a theoretical assumption and there are no experiments that prove it. What is the probability that two...
27 March 2014 6,350 15 View
03 March 2014 8,188 16 View
Is chemical potential also zero for a system of kaons which contain the constituent particles of up quarks and anti-strange quarks?
03 March 2014 6,393 3 View
It is known that Higgs mechanism is right but the theory does not fully explain mass and gravitation (see for instance In the meantime, there is a rather old paper...
18 February 2014 8,043 16 View
LSND experiments observed oscillation between ordinary and sterile neutrinos. Does the Mini-Boone result confirm LSND data ?
02 February 2014 7,494 4 View
Proton lifetime is believed to be comparable to the lifetime of the universe. What is the most recent experimental numbers of proton lifetime ? What are the unified models which are ruled out by...
02 February 2014 1,549 3 View
Inflation is a very attractive theory by which one can explain horizon problem and flatness problem. A successful theory should have experimental tests. My question is that what is the way to get...
02 February 2014 2,417 23 View
02 February 2014 8,339 11 View
01 February 2014 4,971 3 View
Dark matter density should vary with radial distance to explain flat rotation curves seen in typical spiral galaxies like the milky way. What are the popular density profiles. How do they fit with...
16 January 2014 1,623 24 View
Quantum vacuum Quantum mechanics can be used to describe spacetime as being non-empty at extremely small scales, fluctuating and generating particle pairs that appear and disappear incredibly...
01 January 2014 6,905 4 View
01 January 2014 9,754 25 View
I learnt that before half life only one half disintegrates and others don't, why does this happen? I mean every nucleus is unstable then why does the disintegration happen at a time with all...
15 December 2013 9,515 31 View
12 December 2013 5,686 32 View
Curvature of space can be estimated from Planck satellite data 2013.
12 December 2013 1,888 9 View
When a light ray is incident on the media interface at an angle greater than the critical angle how do we know that the ray would be reflected? Is there any mathematical proof? Let me...
11 November 2013 6,317 6 View
Their masses are powers of 2 in the Planck length basis. Do you have an explanation for that? Calculations must be done in the (x,y,z,t) space.
11 November 2013 9,997 1 View
Both Dirac and Majorana equations are identical by form. But imposing electric neutrality condition on Majorana spinors results in absolutely different physics. Why is that? Is it charge...
11 November 2013 10,112 4 View
I wrote a paper about the Higgs field in real space. I do not know whether it corresponds to the well known Higgs-Brout-Englert field. Any idea?
10 October 2013 1,105 10 View
The spin of particles is a rational number s=p/q, where the numerator p is a non negative integer and the denominator q is equal to two. I want to know if there is an explanation why other values...
10 October 2013 4,095 3 View
From WMAP result (arXiv:1212.5225) we know Baryon/photon ratio η has the value (6.19 ± 0.14) × 10^(-10). Now alternatively this can also be defined as Y_{B}=(n_{baryon}-n_{antibaryon})/s,...
30 August 2013 8,540 3 View
08 August 2013 4,264 3 View
What is the basis of the support? What is really known about the structural variety of *actual* interactions?
07 July 2013 9,616 10 View
Experiments in physics are more and more heavy, and require more and more people. There is a similar, although not as important, trend in theoretical physics. Will that change the status of the...
07 July 2013 6,112 11 View