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Questions related to Economy
What is green economy and how it can bring environmental sustainability and why green energy is important for the sustainability of resources?
16 August 2023 4,903 6 View
What is the role of rural marketing in rural development and what is the role of agencies for marketing of agricultural products?
16 August 2023 7,424 3 View
What is the carbon footprint of energy generation and how will solar energy contribute to environmental conservation?
10 August 2023 8,167 2 View
Does solar panels reduce carbon footprint and how does production of solar energy contribute to carbon footprint?
10 August 2023 5,439 4 View
What is global warming and how does it affect the greenhouse effect and global warming and climate change affect food security and environment?
09 August 2023 1,708 5 View
Think about it, the type of market determines the who is accountable for negative or positive environmental outcomes. Which makes the question relevant consistent with current negative...
07 August 2023 664 12 View
I am exploring the literature regarding halal industry, halal economy, and what are the outcomes of organization in the halal industry commiting towards ESG principles in daily business
05 August 2023 3,993 1 View
I am running a regression in eviews that uses one main x variable and includes AR and MA terms. When I run the Variance Inflation Factor test, high VIF values are produced the AR, MA, and lag...
27 July 2023 1,273 4 View
Is there a complementarity and overlap between the human and scientific sciences?
26 July 2023 9,596 1 View
Many banks in developing countries struggled very hard to implement Basel 2. We are now in Basel 3 and already going to Basel 4. Both from the perspective of the regulator and operators, I hear...
26 July 2023 5,241 5 View
what are conflicts resulting from land use planning decision regarding biodiversity conservation
24 July 2023 617 0 View
The research question aims to investigate the effects of deforestation on biodiversity within tropical rainforests. By utilizing satellite data and species richness indices, the study seeks to...
18 July 2023 4,529 4 View
How is economy society and environment related to sustainability and importance of environmental economics and sustainability?
12 July 2023 271 3 View
Is development possible without growth and how is sustainable development beneficial for the economy society and environment?
12 July 2023 6,308 0 View
Which type of economy is India and what are the nature and structure of Indian economy and role of entrepreneurship in regional development?
12 July 2023 2,403 0 View
Why environmental conservation is important to the economy and which economy should we adopt to protect and conserve the environment?
09 July 2023 7,993 3 View
Why is environmental protection more important than economic development and is it possible to protect the environment and grow the economy?
09 July 2023 8,819 7 View
What is diversification of agricultural sector in India and why is rural development essential for Indian economic development?
08 July 2023 2,963 3 View
How can space technology change the global economy?
08 July 2023 6,925 3 View
What is agricultural diversification in rural development and what type of farming is Practised in areas where population is sparse and land is in plenty?
05 July 2023 915 4 View
How is recycling well for environment & importance of recycling & reuse of solid waste in its treatment & importance of recycling & reusing plastics?
03 July 2023 2,097 2 View
Is there any support in GAMA ( to implement hybrid models, similar to what you can do in AnyLogic ( I am in particular interested in the...
01 July 2023 6,747 1 View
I have to write a state-of-the-art report about circular building materials' usage principles and strategies. Could you please suggest a relevant bibliographic scientific reference(s) ? Thanks in...
30 June 2023 8,818 4 View
When a man displays his genitals, women scream & run away. So why do people suggest that women are aroused by male nudity and sexual opportunities as men are?
22 June 2023 4,678 0 View