What is agricultural diversification in rural development and what type of farming is Practised in areas where population is sparse and land is in plenty?
Livelihood diversification is an important strategy by which rural people may work to exit from poverty. It is a process by which rural families construct a diverse portfolio of activities and social support capabilities in their struggle for survival and in order to improve their standards of living. Indian agriculture is diversifying during the last two decades towards High-Value Commodities (HVCs) i.e., fruits, vegetables, milk, meat, and fish products. The pace has been accelerated during the decade of 1990s. HVCs account for a large share in the total value of agricultural production. Agricultural diversification can involve movement of resources from low-value commodities to high-value ones. It focuses mainly on horticultural, dairy, poultry and fisheries sectors. Agricultural diversification is a process through which farmers shift their farm enterprises from traditional to high value added modern enterprises. It enhances farm income, generates employment opportunities and manages risk in agriculture. Agricultural diversification is one of the essential components of economic growth. It is the stage where traditional agriculture is transformed into a dynamic and commercial sector by shifting the traditional agricultural product mix to high standard products, which has a high potential in stimulating production rate. Agricultural diversification occurs when more species, plant varieties or animal breeds are added to a given farm or farming community and this may include landscape diversification different crops and cropping systems interspersed in space and time. Agricultural diversification is one of the essential components of economic growth. It is the stage where traditional agriculture is transformed into a dynamic and commercial sector by shifting the traditional agricultural product mix to high standard products, which has a high potential in stimulating production rate. Agriculture Diversification refers to either a change in cropping pattern or the farmers opting for other non-farming options like poultry farming, animal husbandry, etc. Therefore, expansion into other sectors is essential to provide supplementary gainful employment and in realizing higher levels of income for rural people to overcome poverty and other problems. Extensive farming is practiced in areas of low population. Machinery is used to manage large tracts of land as labour is not available for farm owners. Extensive farming is a method of farming that employs large agricultural machinery, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and agricultural research and involves huge capital. It is practiced where huge cultivable land is available for agriculture, and there is low population density. Intensive Subsistence Farming This type of farming is practiced in areas of high population pressure on land. It is labour- intensive farming, where high doses of biochemical inputs and irrigation are used for obtaining higher production.