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Questions related to Computational Fluid Mechanics
I am trying to find if there is an analytical or simpler way to find pressure or force acting on the upper surface of a wing due to the gust wind. Assuming the wing is not in motion (static case)...
02 February 2015 2,584 5 View
In the work about the numerical simulation of Lituya Bay mega-tsunami ( two different parameterizations for the friction terms are...
02 February 2015 6,225 3 View
I am interested in ORC-system. If I look to the hp-diagrams of the main working fluid they do not need a superheating stage, but in reality I saw that in many ORC the fluid is also superheated....
02 February 2015 4,926 3 View
Hello! I want model a group of tubes in a cube with gambit and fluent. in this cube also there are fins vertical to tubes each 3 mm. so i must draw 5000 fins vertical to tubes. if there was a...
02 February 2015 5,303 3 View
I am trying to model the viscosity of polymer using Carreau model. However, the options of Carreau model is not available for turbulent flow. So I am trying to write UDF in order to model the...
27 January 2015 6,442 3 View
I am trying to model a two phase flow with evaporation and condensation mechanism. I have a cold water at 300 K flowing in at 90 degree to a channel of hot gas at 1700 K. Is it possible to model...
26 January 2015 9,646 4 View
both of these numbers have same parameter in their function
20 January 2015 4,166 22 View
What is the importance of cold flow analysis in Hybrid Rocket Propulsion?
18 January 2015 5,525 3 View
actually I have a problem to use full RAM capacity of my personal computer. fluent launcher a have set process 8 and running the simulation. I have 32 GB RAM but performance show by CPU usage...
13 January 2015 7,631 3 View
03 January 2015 2,938 2 View
01 January 2015 1,733 2 View
When can they be applied and for what type of contour?
01 January 2015 8,170 3 View
01 January 2015 3,354 4 View
Hello researchers, I am trying to verify a box problem (90x90x55m) which is solved in ANSYS AQWA line manual but using workbench platform. Though my values on the principal diagonal of stiffness...
19 December 2014 778 2 View
I am simulating turbulent flow around a vertical circular cylinder partially submerged in water. I have used LES and VOF in Fluent. The Re=2.7e4 and Fr=0.8. My simulation is converging at drag and...
04 December 2014 7,841 7 View
If the two oils can be mixed uniformly, will the new viscosity be an average of the two? Will the relation be linear? non-linear?
30 November 2014 298 3 View
The resolution of present ocean numerical models is generally at several km. The viscosity coefficient is used as a compromise between suppressing the grid-scale noise and maintaining shear...
26 November 2014 660 3 View
11 November 2014 7,312 4 View
I need your help, I will create anfis system for aircraft model. I have a model pitch control (1 input and 4 output for transfer function), how is it possible obtaining...
11 November 2014 8,151 1 View
Hi, I'm trying to solve a problem with heat transfer and fluid. When I co-execute heat transfer model and CFD model, the following error is encountered "An unrecoverable error has been encountered...
28 October 2014 4,083 5 View
By applying the Buckingham Pi theorem, dimensionless parameters such as Reynolds number (Re) and Froude number (Fr) can be indicated for the two-phase flow. Can I use the CFD FLUENT approach to...
10 October 2014 416 10 View
I want to use Clauser method to predict zero pressure gradient boundary layer characteristics in our wind tunnel to be used for a baseline in adverse pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer...
10 October 2014 3,688 9 View
I'd like to know if anyone has any books/links /article on "solving boussinesq equations using numerical methods". Particularly some stuff on "MOL( Method of Lines)". Thanks in advance.
10 October 2014 5,279 8 View
We are studying interfacial tension (IFT) in oil-water-polymer-surfactant systems using DPD. One would expect the increase in simulation box size to yield better results. However, we are noticing...
10 October 2014 8,684 4 View