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Questions related to birds
It has been obsessed since long that millions of birds were migrated every year between the countries and on contenant level. Migration was happened due to seasonal variation, environmental...
01 December 2020 3,143 9 View
Trade in wild-caught birds is big business. Most data on which species are traded and in what volumes comes from CITES. But the CITES Appendices do not cover all traded bird species, e.g. it does...
01 December 2020 2,161 4 View
I have survey response data on a likert-scale for the factors that influence the response of a customer to a marketing campaign. For example, one question asks about the importance of the music...
30 November 2020 7,757 2 View
How can we estimate the number of quail birds in a treatment and in a replication for 5 treatment and 4 replication for feed research? Is there any range limitation to keep the number of birds?
20 November 2020 3,120 3 View
I am particularly interested in the mental and physical effect of doing bird-like qigong movements in bird sanctuaries.
16 November 2020 8,919 2 View
I m recently investigating the impact of climate change on shorebird population trends, I would like to know what is the impact of fluctuations in variables such as sea surface temperature, global...
11 November 2020 9,531 15 View
I would like to ask a recommendation of a statistical test to answer a question related to an unusual data structure. I am testing if birds change nest parental care behavior depending on...
18 October 2020 2,301 1 View
I need to extract a measure of fragmentation for each landcover class found in a individual homerange of a bird. E.g. level of fragmentation of grassland within the homerange of the bird...
14 October 2020 1,095 7 View
I would like to automatically generate a Markov chain analysis for my set of bird songs that I have assigned syllable categories to using R. I have around 70 songs (each from an individual bird)...
14 October 2020 5,109 2 View
I am trying to differentiate whether the plumage is gray or black with certain values. I have bird's image (jpeg) with a scale (ruler) and color card beside the bird's body
08 October 2020 2,101 1 View
I am a bit stuck with this. Say for example there is a species of bird with variable colours, and they can present as red, blue, green or a combination (red-blue, red-green, blue-green,...
02 October 2020 3,987 3 View
In an experiment conducted to evaluate the performance of different chicken breeds, what would be the recommended number of replications per treatment and the number of birds per replication?
16 September 2020 1,914 9 View
I carried out bird survey twice a month ( at interval of 15 days) for 8 months period following same transect line and point count stations. Is there any hard and fast rule or standard procedure...
14 September 2020 618 1 View
The short answer is yes, your bird can not become infected by this strain of coronavirus and so you can also not get the virus from your birds. To date, that appears to be true for dogs and...
08 September 2020 4,370 17 View
I have tried Trizol and Quiagen RNEasy kits to isolate RNA from waterfowl feces (I added influenza virus in serial dilutions to some feces samples as a positive control). However none of the...
21 August 2020 3,941 3 View
Hello everybody! Fallback fruits are fruits of low nutritional value that in periods of fruit scarcity become the filler or staple of a frugivorous animal. Fallbacks seem to be well-studied in...
18 August 2020 8,201 4 View
I assume this threshold (3 or 5%) as commonly used in several papers but I'm not sure if there is a world-recognized reference to state this. thanks for suggestions.
21 July 2020 2,241 8 View
In the forest birds are using different layers of forest trees from the soil to the canopy. Some birds such as iberian chiffchaffs are using the soil ground to set their nests while other species...
19 July 2020 2,826 1 View
We can predict many things and make projections on Corona crisis based on available data but unluckily, the quality of data and their source are not beyond doubt. The previous projections based on...
09 July 2020 7,921 1 View
I have obtained a Tafel plot from CV experiment for the oxidation of nitrite (NaNO2). Scan rate- 0.05 V/s, working electrode- GCE, counter electrode- Pt wire, reference electrode- Ag/AgCl (3M),...
30 June 2020 1,544 0 View
I'm looking for datasets (or databases) in which the body mass of predator and prey are presented. I'm specifically interested in terrestrial predators (snakes, mammals, birds). An example of is...
17 June 2020 2,706 9 View
Dear all, I'm intended to model the effects of a number of categorical factors (season, sex, age) on the proportion of lean birds using a beta regression (R-package 'betareg'). The dependent...
13 June 2020 1,050 2 View
HawkWatch International's education team got this great question from a kindergartener in class. I have no idea. Would love to get a scientifically accurate answer back to the kid! Any...
26 May 2020 5,557 3 View
Does anyone have any experience on how to set standards and manage responses and action on escaped birds from zoos? We found a greater flamingo at Schinias-National Park near Athens and it may...
19 May 2020 7,665 2 View