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Questions related to Biosignals
We are looking for a suitable surface emg kit to assessment motor activation patterns in normal and painful shoulders. We are especially interested in time of onset, muscle fatigue characteristics...
12 December 2016 9,611 2 View
Matlab .mat files are preferred.
08 August 2016 3,521 0 View
Hi, Has anyone got any reviews on gtec's g.nautilus dry electrode based system, g.USBamp over the g.MOBIlab+ ? I am currently using a 8-channel g.MOBIlab+ with active electrodes and am thinking of...
05 May 2016 398 3 View
I came along quite some papers in the field of biosignal processing which first apply a low-pass or bandpass filter to the recorded signals (to remove high frequency sensor noise, etc.) prior to...
09 April 2016 4,380 2 View
04 April 2016 9,966 3 View
The parameters to be analyzed in my research are pNN50 RMSSD SDSD NN50 HF LF VLF Can you explain if it is worth to buy Polar RS800CX to get practical recording or Suunto t6 HRM?
10 October 2015 5,419 9 View
Has anyone observed golden ratio in EEG signals which may signify stability of biosignals, biological systems and the human body system.
10 October 2015 5,552 2 View
I am having a EMG biosignal in .wav format. I use LabVIEW for analysis. I am in need of rectifying the EMG signal. So, I have two options: To use ABS function To use Average Rectification Value...
10 October 2015 2,015 3 View
I want to test the causal relationship between more than two biosignals (or more generally time-series) from different modalities (like electroencephalogram (EEG), Electromyogram (EMG) and etc) to...
09 September 2015 9,240 6 View
I am working on biomedical signal analysis, artifact removal especially. It would be of great help if somebody could please suggest a database for the same signals. I was unable to find any on...
09 September 2015 1,224 9 View
I try to see the face biosignal with the Grove Emg bought from company in China. But still cannot. Can you advised or i need something to consider first before i used it.
06 June 2015 8,707 2 View
Are the properties of noise and signal well defined, and are the algorithms that were originated in the analysis of signals pertaining to other domains faithful enough to analyze Bioelectric...
03 March 2015 4,092 15 View
I'm working with HRV and I want to test some free software to continue my research.
11 November 2014 2,488 10 View
I need to classify an EEG signal (most likely using an artificila neural network) but for the inputs I would like to know the differences between using the result of the FFT or using the signal...
29 May 2014 5,411 5 View
28 May 2014 9,890 2 View
05 May 2014 3,841 2 View
We are interested in measuring several biosignals (e.g. heart rate, electrodermal activity and EMG) at rest and during cognitive tasks. Does anyone know a paper about which medication should be...
14 March 2014 2,353 2 View
03 March 2014 4,874 2 View
Filtration, independent component, or wavelet? And why? I have experimental data of skin temperature signal captured from a human subject when he was performing a task , I need to remove the...
03 March 2014 867 13 View
Can you give details of electrical properties of glucose?
03 March 2014 2,366 1 View
Far as we know (which is very little), Titan doesn't harbor life (the life we know), but has two strong (Earth Life) biosignatures N2 98% and CH4 2%. As far as we know, abiotic processes occurred...
05 February 2014 324 3 View
02 February 2014 4,937 3 View
In my experiment a subject has to choose his/her left or right hand according to a visual stimuli presented on a computer screen and write his/her name using the selected hand. I record EMG from...
10 October 2013 2,853 6 View
Suppose there is one movement task lasting for 1s. There are total 10 subjects and for each subjects 60 trials. EEG data is captured during each task. We want to see the scalp topography of the...
07 July 2013 6,033 12 View