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Questions related to Applied Mathematics
I am trying to write a thesis on how volatility in the FTSE 100 differs in bull vs bear market in the UK. I am wanting to first use the markov switching model to determine which periods from...
05 May 2020 4,878 0 View
I am currently doing an analysis of climatic effects on the reproduction of the European shag and I need to get the monthly SST averages in the northwest and north of the Iberian Peninsula. Does...
31 March 2020 3,921 6 View
Dear community, I am struggling with statistics for price comparison. I would like to check if the mean market price of a given product A differs over two consecutive time periods, namely from...
25 March 2020 6,548 8 View
what are the softwires I can use to analyze 10 year climate data?
20 March 2020 6,588 22 View
I am searching for applications of non-linear fractional integro-differential equations.
18 March 2020 3,695 2 View
Imagine a platoon, such as the "peloton" in a cycling competition or cars on a highway, where the players benefit from travelling close to each other due to wind drag reduction. If each speed...
18 March 2020 1,860 5 View
Like there are data-augmentation techniques for image classification and text-based data, are there any analogous techniques for numeric data-sets that can be used to expand the size of a scanty...
17 March 2020 3,002 11 View
The following formulation of the theorem due Yamada-Watanabe can be found in "On the Existence of Universal Functional Solutions to Classical SDE'S" (Kallenberg, O., 1996). Assume that weak...
16 March 2020 7,292 3 View
I am having problem in solving the MILP for a water treatment plant capacity expansion .Can any one help..
12 March 2020 2,638 4 View
I would like to know if there exists papers combining SIFT algorithm with Deep Learning networks. I'm thinking of something similar to extract points with SIFT and get a descriptor of those...
11 March 2020 8,624 3 View
List of journals pure and applied mathematics Impact factor in Scopus or Thomson. Only journals requesting author reviewers
09 March 2020 2,680 2 View
Dear Colleagues, I'd be grateful if you provide me the solution or give an idea to solve integration. Thanks in advance. Huda
13 February 2020 2,160 15 View
Please share your Opinion. Mathematics is the queen of Sciences. It deals with the scientific approach of getting useful solutions in multifarious fields. It is the back bone of modern science....
01 February 2020 5,590 60 View
I am looking to start working with the isogeometric method to analyze mechanical behavior such as beam, plate, shell and other structures of complex shapes. can you help me by giving me simple...
29 December 2019 2,872 5 View
I am searching for applications of first or second-order non-linear ordinary differential equations.
07 December 2019 3,276 12 View
Like Mathematical Modeling or any other....
27 November 2019 3,290 3 View
I am using the GARCH-DCC estimation-based bootstrap to predict one-month (22 days) cumulative returns. The details are as follows: 1. The GARCH-DCC model is fitted to the original return series...
14 November 2019 2,703 5 View
Hello all fellow researchers, I have some problem in understanding the basic concepts of Matrices. I hope someone of you could help me in clearing my doubts. A full rank matrix means all...
11 November 2019 3,816 5 View
04 November 2019 3,326 4 View
I have ready for your co-researcher in Iran.what do you think about this suggestion?
15 October 2019 4,487 0 View
It is known that the FPE gives the time evolution of the probability density function of the stochastic differential equation. I could not see any reference that relates the PDF obtain by the FPE...
14 October 2019 1,319 8 View
we can approximate an infinite-dimensional system with a finite-dimension system, (for example by proper orthogonal decomposition) If we stabilize the approximate finite dimension of an...
10 October 2019 390 6 View
Dear researchers: As counterintuitive as it can be, the infinite sum of all the integers : 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 ... to infinity can be understood as = -1/12 i.e. Sum(all...
10 October 2019 3,734 7 View
I am a last-year student on Applied Mathematics specialty. Transportation modeling and optimization problems are primary interest for my bachelor's thesis. I am looking for researches on this topic.
17 September 2019 4,354 6 View