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Questions related to Applied Mathematics
In determining some of the spectral properties of the p(X)-Laplace operator, one can use variational methods. So i need to be be guided on the most appropriate technique or principle or theorem...
17 August 2021 4,246 3 View
Hello all, I am working on moving pipe-like geometry. As I need a constant velocity at inlet and outlet or constant velocity profile. I needed to use the velocity of the walls the same as an inlet...
05 July 2021 7,485 2 View
In general for compression tests, the D/L ratio should be less than 2, does this applies to pipe and tubes also?
30 June 2021 6,836 8 View
Can anyone help me to implement the solving of partial differential equations in Mathematica? The specific system of partial differential equations is: du(x,y,z)/dx = dv(x,y,z)/dy -...
24 June 2021 8,878 6 View
Many references are explained that kriging and GP regression is the same. However, in the formulation, they have differences from each other. Can you explain the difference between these two...
22 June 2021 4,796 4 View
I have been trying to mesh a solid rectangular geometry having a size of 17 m by 5 m by 0.5 m in lsdyna pre-post with a total of 298 holes of 32 mm diameter of length 450 mm at a spacing of 0.5 m...
01 June 2021 2,975 1 View
Hi, I'm running BARON on an AMPL instance that I uploaded on the NEOS server. Unfortunately, it times out after a few minutes. It is possible to pass an option file to set the time limit...
29 March 2021 5,041 1 View
For my thesis, I'm trying to annualize conditional volatility of past stock returns since it is the dependent variable in my research. As an example, I ran in eViews the daily stock returns of a...
19 March 2021 3,331 3 View
I have a massive of x, y, z coordinates of 2D surface in 3D space, which builded in Ansys HFSS or AutoCAD. How can I get the analitical aproximation of this surface by formulas?
22 February 2021 3,775 7 View
I have a bi-variate function f(x,y). f(x,y) is uni-modal with respect to x for a fixed y and uni-modal in terms of y for a fixed x. How can I comment on the joint uni-modality of f(x,y) in terms...
12 February 2021 8,348 0 View
I want to evaluate the degradation of the polymer in differents lenght of a pipe, for that reason I parameterize the lenght of the pipe in Space Claim, I want to know if I have to do a mesh...
10 February 2021 8,918 0 View
I want to make array by unit cells which I designed. now I want to feed this array. and I will use tapered microstrip transmission line. actually I calculated the width and length of the tapered...
27 January 2021 906 2 View
The definition, that I have learned, of the determinant of a matrix is a set of instructions on how to calculate its value. This definition can be put in equation form if we keep track of odd...
26 December 2020 4,990 13 View
If we have three different domain of data (e.g. security, AI and sport) and we did 3 different case study or experiments (1 for each domain) and we estimate the Precision, Recall and F-measure for...
08 December 2020 10,026 3 View
In the maintenance optimization context, researchers use a structure such that it results in the Renewal reward theorem and they use this theorem to minimize the long-run cost rate criteria and...
11 November 2020 3,584 2 View
Could you make some points about the difference between Data-Driven Adaptive Robust Optimization and (classic) Adaptive Robust Optimization?
02 November 2020 9,863 3 View
First of all I should say that I work in probability and my knowledge about PDEs is quite small, so this question could make little sense, please let me know if something is not well...
02 November 2020 2,348 5 View
We want to connect different disciplinınary with TIME SCALE, Which equation, mathematical model or differential equation is interested in electrical car battery ?
02 October 2020 5,872 12 View
I'm currently working on a project where I deal with a protein of size ~50K atoms. I want to do a computer simulation with the protein using Monte Carlo instead of MD, and looking for any software...
21 September 2020 7,899 2 View
I'm trying to solve the heat equation for a ring (Laplace) in a polar coordinate system with Dirichlet condition in r=Ra and a mixed boundary (Dirichlet and Neumann) in r=Rb. There is an...
31 August 2020 2,407 7 View
The original series is nonstationary as it has a clear increasing trend and its ACF plot gradually dampens. To make the series stationary, what optimum order of differencing (d) is needed?...
26 July 2020 7,235 4 View
In fractional calculus many fractional operators, but their applications area unknown. Can you help me to determined the real Phenomena which we can apply the Capotu conformable fractional...
21 July 2020 3,495 5 View
Dear all : I need to solve the following integral (attached as an image file) The context is on the calculation of View Factors in Radiation Heat Transfer I worked out the this expression from...
16 May 2020 7,732 16 View
If multirate filter banks have been used by engeeniers before wavelets theory, why it is important and useful to know that those filter banks correspond to wavelet functions?
12 May 2020 6,104 2 View