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Questions related to Academic Writing
I've been told its one of the best effective way to focus when writing. Do you agree?
14 February 2014 1,860 11 View
As we are facing many problems in research publications like plagiarism, falsification and defrauding. As these research studies may seriously influence the quality as well as development of...
10 February 2014 7,174 2 View
Are researchers appreciating a piece of the scientific work (paper, abstract, thesis etc) on the basis of its content or on the basis of the journal score, the institutions or the prestige of the...
02 February 2014 3,024 16 View
There is a lack of clinical evidence to either support or counter the superiority of one technique over the other, regarding lower failure rates after lung resection. Furthermore, several...
02 February 2014 4,229 13 View
How is objectivity and subjectivity dealt in concept papers?
02 February 2014 4,588 5 View
And what are the intellectual and counseling factors of this relationship? The importance of relationship between faculty member (as a supervisor) and the student in thesis and dissertation...
30 January 2014 7,628 6 View
Hearing many complaints from my peers (who are young researchers just as myself) on how hard it is to squeeze yourself into the ever growing competitive academic world, also having discussions on...
30 January 2014 4,375 26 View
You can give your own views
30 January 2014 7,539 10 View
What is the maximum no. of dimensions to be included in an observation instrument; and what is the ideal time interval for observing students' behaviour doing computer activities in class?
29 January 2014 3,212 2 View
Qualitative research method descriptions are likely to benefit from a clearly stated ontological and epistemological position. Yet, many authors do not state their position on either. Is there a...
23 January 2014 4,261 20 View
The war between authors and academic publishing houses about research papers and Open Access were coming brewing for some time, but it has just exploded: Elsevier is asking authors to remove their...
21 January 2014 9,673 15 View
A relatively new trend is the publication of a video (or visual) abstract alongside a written article. In a video abstract, authors can describe their work in a way that is not possible to do in...
18 January 2014 8,118 25 View
I'm simulating some tests, and I need educational texts to design my tests according to. So if anybody knows any webpage, social group, or even book, that can help me provide these texts, please...
16 January 2014 7,759 3 View
After years of existence, sometimes a journal is removed from the Thompson Reuters master journal list. The removed journals mostly seem respectful and many of us might have published in it. Why...
16 January 2014 7,769 30 View
Should educators use all possible variable (information) about a particular group or section of students for non-parametric and parametric research?
11 January 2014 7,774 16 View
Is it always necessary to write a thesis where one objective of a Ph.D topic will lead to another objective and so on? What about the acceptability of a thesis with a broader topic and three...
10 January 2014 6,169 35 View
01 January 2014 6,383 16 View
01 January 2014 2,996 34 View
What can a head researcher do to help doctoral students succeed and publish? I have tried offering feedback on draft versions, acting as co-author, putting together teams to support each other,...
01 January 2014 855 10 View
My co-author and I made the first cut at the MIT Sports Statistics & Analytics Conference, and we were looking MLB pitcher injuries and Pitch f/x data. Needless to say, the data maintenance on the...
01 January 2014 5,098 2 View
01 January 2014 547 27 View
One of my manuscripts has come for revision. Meanwhile my collaborators gave us new data. Alongside the revisions suggested by the reviewers I wish to include the new data and and the authors. But...
01 January 2014 8,821 6 View
Although these are from different kingdoms but could we establish a common method?
01 January 2014 7,118 2 View
01 January 2014 3,474 3 View