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Questions related to Academic Writing
how long does it typically take to receive the full text version of an article?
07 March 2016 9,796 14 View
Like most of you I guess, In we are challenged by the push from our university to publish, for those in design this is difficult. The current move to open access publication...
04 March 2016 5,147 23 View
I want to know if there are any good studies or references to write the theoretical framework. Thank you
16 February 2016 3,252 8 View
It is interesting because narrative texts are very attractive for the public and in a course of science communication some professors recommended me to use them. However, they probably have more...
15 February 2016 5,599 4 View
Some data suggest that wait times have increased within certain subsets of journals, such as popular open-access ones and some of the most sought-after titles. At Nature, the median review time...
11 February 2016 7,811 9 View
An interesting opinion piece has just been published in the journal Science arguing that we should retire the letter of reference. From reading the piece I'm astonished by the amount of reference...
05 February 2016 4,821 37 View
As a new researcher, I'm unable to evaluate the journals. I recognized that there are two metrics to evaluate the journals: impact factor and the index but really I don't understand what these...
04 February 2016 2,850 13 View
Suspended sediment loads are basis for various fluvial dynamics. Suspended sediment sampling is so important to develop linkages for fluviogeomorphic processes in particular and earth surface...
04 February 2016 3,706 9 View
Sometimes it becomes necessary to refer students to the Writing Center on campus to address their academic writing challenges from the undergraduate to graduate levels. However, as we are dealing...
18 January 2016 3,542 11 View
I need to provide some practice academic writing exercises for graduate students doing their final research papers. However, I thought I can save time by using what's available, so I am asking if...
30 November 2015 8,133 26 View
Drainage basin is a place of work for fluvial geomorphologists not only as a geomorphic unit but gets attracted by many researcher also due to its interdisciplinary nature. Therefore, the...
26 August 2015 2,282 27 View
Stating and examining assumptions for chosen topics/theses in post-graduate academic writing appears to be less emphasized in academic writing texts. I am looking for some good sources for the...
17 August 2015 3,099 7 View
I am looking for distinct rhetorical patterns of Ukrainian academic writing as compared to English writing.
16 May 2015 3,639 2 View
I am developing a research proposal concerning causes of lower limb amputation in Malawi. I would like to gain insights on how to write a perfect problem justification/problem statement...
04 February 2015 6,244 20 View
My university is reviewing its assessment descriptors for EAP writing and speaking assessment. Th current descriptors require moderation and standardisation to ensure fair marking but I have found...
27 January 2015 2,123 18 View
I am starting content analysis to determine the dimensions of a construct and would love advice on coding instructions, and how to ensure reliability and validity as I will not have a team of...
30 December 2014 4,190 16 View
I would like to examine whether adults ELLs who have developed good writing skills in their L1 will be able to develop and acquire the English writing skills as L2 more easily compared to others...
25 December 2014 6,684 34 View
For arranging my references in papers and in other documents I use in reference manager RefWorks. But sometimes, after inserting some additional reference, it suddenly duplicate indexes. For...
16 October 2014 4,531 2 View
At what point should/could a student be encouraged to publish a worthwhile, viable paper on his own vs. the professor adding his name? Consider the academic level of the professor/student...
20 September 2014 4,793 92 View
When a paper is cited frequently but is published in a lesser-known journal, these biases can cause real problems for tenure and promotion committees, department heads and deans when they evaluate...
20 July 2014 681 42 View
There have been several developments related to post-publication peer-review, commenting and/or evaluation. For example, PubMed Commons, PubPeer, Publons (the latter also offering credit for...
17 July 2014 331 9 View
Some creative writing falls into the category of creative nonfiction or literary nonfiction, as opposed to academic nonfiction. Many colleagues, departments, and universities do not consider...
09 July 2014 9,348 61 View
Any latest evidence available? The Ottawa Charter defines health promotion as the process of enabling people to increase control over and to improve their health. It moves beyond a focus on...
23 June 2014 8,919 57 View
Publishing an academic article can be a painstaking multi-year commitment for both author and journal editor (review board too)--even for lesser known regional journals. Some journal editors...
12 June 2014 6,998 50 View