36 Questions 632 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Yoshinori Shiozawa
Fisher studied if there is an out-of-equilibrium process that rapidly converges to some equilibrium points. He claims that Hahn process has a Lyapounof function and therefore convergent to an...
16 July 2024 1,438 4 View
I came to know that Hank (Heterogeneous Agents New Keynesian) models are now in fashion. I skipped two papers on Hank. Those economists who work in Hank boast that this and that that were...
24 April 2024 8,332 11 View
I want to know the time-series characteristics of demand for manufactured products. Is there a good paper to know the state-of-the-art research on how the demand of manufactured goods fluctuates...
18 April 2024 9,093 4 View
Consumer education seems to have started in 1960's in the United States. I want to know (1) the rough history of this "consumer education" history and (2) the actual state of consumer education in...
21 November 2023 7,773 0 View
In his small book Economics without Equilibrium (1985, p.31), Nicholas Kaldor declares that "the sellers are price-makers and quantity-takers." I was long considering that this was one of the...
23 October 2023 4,133 7 View
Ashraf and Galor published a paper in American Economic Review in 2013: Quamrul Ashraf and Oded Galor (2013) The 'Out of Africa' Hypothesis, Human Genetic Diversity, and Comparative Economic...
09 May 2021 9,730 21 View
I am wondering if there exists any good paper that has analyzed the relations between climate change and the standard of life before the Industrial Revolution. As we know the real wage rates for...
23 April 2021 1,004 5 View
I am considering to distribute N-kinds of different parts among M-different countries and I wan to know the "most probable" pattern of distribution. My question is in fact ambiguous, because I am...
19 December 2018 9,733 16 View
"The rise of Global Value Chains (GVCs) has dramatically changed the organization of world production of goods and services in recent decades." Sónia Cabral (2016) thus remarks and continues that...
20 April 2018 1,281 45 View
Marc Lavoie's book Post-Keynesian Economics (2014) is a thick book of 650 pages and has a subtitle New Foundations. It is full of arguments on methodologies and policy orientations. I read full of...
14 February 2018 6,811 96 View
Unemployment must be an important question also in trade theory. However, we see no many papers or books that argued and analyzed involuntary unemployment in trade theory. If you know any papers...
03 November 2017 6,564 53 View
I am now writing a paper (the second chapter of the book with the title The Microfoundations of Evolutionary Economics) and I want to collect more information on what I call Sraffa principle (or...
06 June 2017 8,368 22 View
Full-cost pricing is the most famous pricing method widely adopted and practiced by firms. I know how the neoclassical microeconomists explain or justify this pricing method: price your product so...
28 January 2017 1,381 13 View
New developmentalism is a theoretical framework of development economics that is developed mainly by Luis Carlos Bresser-Pereira and aims to present an alternative to the neoclassical development...
24 January 2017 9,273 13 View
I am now writing a paper (one of four chapters in my present project) on the negotiation and transactions between two parties. The two parties may include relations between firm to firm and...
02 January 2017 8,742 42 View
In a paper, Gouranga Gopal Das (2015) summarizes Research and Development (R&D) investment in Least Developed Countries (LDCs). [N]on-OECD economies also have exhibited fastest growth and...
17 December 2016 830 35 View
Graham occupies a singular position in the history of the theory of international trade. He oppose to the neoclassical theory since John S. Mill, which is based on the reciprocal demand. He...
08 November 2016 790 11 View
Crossing demand and supply curve diagram is famous as Marshallian cross. However, Mark Blaug in his paper "No History of Ideas, Please, We're Economists" in Journal of Economics Perspective 15(1):...
09 August 2016 4,828 5 View
I am interested who first examined two-person, two-good economy as a situation. In the international trade theory, it is so common to think two-country, two-commodity economy. This is of course...
26 July 2016 3,050 9 View
In international trade theory, HO or Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson model and its variants Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek model and North-South HOS models played a dominant role in trade theory and policy....
21 July 2016 7,751 42 View
I am now writing a chapter on the theory of value (or theory of prices) as a part of foundations of evolutionary economics. It is planned to be the second chapter of a book with the title:...
07 May 2016 8,825 7 View
A chapter of Paul Krugman's book Pop Internationalism (1997) is titled The Illusion of Conflict in International Trade. In this chapter, Krugman contends that trade problems between low and high...
28 April 2016 9,299 30 View
In Wikipedia (English), the article "John Wanamaker" tells that the first "Fixed Price" retail Price Tag appeared in 1861 at Oak Hall, at Sixth and Market Streets in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania....
12 March 2016 5,742 17 View
Equilibrium is the most important method of analysis in economics. It has a long tradition that started from the 18th century with French scholars such as A.-N. Isnard and N.-F. Canard and...
12 January 2016 7,227 43 View
There are now number of papers with a title which includes "processing trade." One can say that processing trade is now a flourishing subject matter in the research of international trade. The...
07 December 2015 8,165 77 View
When a bipartite complete graph Km,n is given, two subgraphs of Km,n are in the same class when the degree of each right vertex coincides. I want to know the number of all spanning trees in a...
20 September 2015 1,977 4 View
To know a problem NP-hard or not is a delicate question. Although it is an important question for economics too, it is a kind of labyrinth for a non-specialist. Moreover, a small change of of...
20 August 2015 3,373 11 View
Scoins' formula gives the number of different spanning trees in a complete bipartite graph. If we write Kn,m the bipartite graph of n elements in one part and m elements in another part, the...
21 July 2015 1,240 12 View
GARCH is an abbreviation of Generalized Auto Regressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity. Let Xt be a stochastic process which can be decomposed as Xt = σt・Wt (t = 0, 1, 2, ...). Here {Wt} is a...
29 April 2015 7,150 9 View
What is the real content of vulgarization, when they claim that J.S. Mill vulgarized Ricardo's teachings? In what sense is he blamed to have opened the way to neoclassical economics? Béla Balassa...
18 March 2015 3,466 14 View
I am now reading Piketty's Capital in the 21st Century. It is a wonderful statistical research work and should be a model that all economists must learn from it. I have no intention to throw any...
30 January 2015 7,624 9 View
I am wondering why the concept of hoarding has disappeared after Keynes's General Theory. Are there any economists who tried to extricate the concept of Hoarding after Keynes? The concept of...
13 December 2014 5,275 7 View
In Chapter 2 of his General Theory, Keynes states that "it has been supposed that any individual act of abstaining from consumption necessarily leads to, and amounts to the same thing as, causing...
13 October 2014 5,682 45 View
The concept of effective demand has vanished from the New Keynesian Economics. You will find that there is no term like effective demand in the textbooks of this strand. It is the real cleavage...
24 November 2013 2,428 24 View
Suppose the national or world-wide network of transactions is a scale free network. Are any statistical characteristics known on the transaction volumes for any of its links?
18 February 2013 4,399 38 View
Who has coined the term “Say’s law”? Is it Keynes or is there any predecessor to him? Suppose someone has coined this term. Is it the same idea that John Baptiste Say wanted to express in his...
01 January 1970 6,878 12 View