When a bipartite complete graph Km,n is given, two subgraphs of Km,n are in the same class when the degree of each right vertex coincides. I want to know the number of all spanning trees in a given class.
Any spanning tree in Km,n has M+N-1 edges. A class whose right degrees do not sum up to M+N-1 does not contain any spanning tree. The number of classes with total degree M+N-1 is the repeated combination of country labels taken N -1 times. Thus the number take the form
(M + N - 2)! / (M - 1)! (N -1)! .
From Scoins' formula the number of all spanning trees in Km,n is
MN-1 ・NM-1 .
As a consequence, there are in general many spanning trees in a class in which the right degrees sum up to M+N-1. I want to know an explicit formula that gives the number of all spanning trees for a given class with degree sum M + N -1.
This question is derived in the course of Ricardian trade theory study.