I came to know that Hank (Heterogeneous Agents New Keynesian) models are now in fashion. I skipped two papers on Hank. Those economists who work in Hank boast that this and that that were impossible in Rank (Representative Agent New Keynesian) models became possible. They may be right with this regards.
I have a question. What are the problems that are common to Hank and Rank models?
For example, Rank and Hank both assume the validity of central bank interest rate policy. In the case of Japanese economy, it was not very effective for about 30 years. The very validity of interest rate policy is questioned. Then, I want to know if there are good empirical works that estimated the dimension of peoples’ reaction (in the economy as a whole) to the change of interest rate, especially when the interest rate is very low (or nearly zero).
Is there any paper that argued the trouble with Hank and Rank models in common?
Is there any paper that pointed out the fact that undermines the Hank and Rank models?