22 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Yannapol Sriphutkiat
Dear All, I am quite new with SAW sensor, At first, I have to understand the fundamental principal For SAW mass sensor, What is the physical explanation/mechanism for frequency shift from mass...
09 September 2016 5,290 3 View
Dear All, I observed that each of microparticle seems to rotate (spin) under the actuation of acoustics wave. I am interesting in this phenomena. Is there any publication about this phenomena...
03 March 2016 2,464 2 View
Dear All, I have SAW device(Al electrode on LinNbO3) and it was measured by impedance analyzer, Stripwidth= 50 um, resonance frequency = 20.02 MHz. After that I bond PDMS(channel width 100um) on...
02 February 2016 7,222 2 View
Dear All, I have VDO of particle movement in microchannel, but I have no idea how can I start to do PIV ? Should I start by using Matlab...
10 October 2015 7,177 5 View
Dear All, I have photos of particle accumulation in the bottom of the container. How can I find the accumulation rate ? I know PIV that can measure the velocity of the particle in the flow, but I...
10 October 2015 9,646 3 View
Dear All, I am trying to actuate the particle inside the microfluidic channel by SAW but my current function generator can only generate a 20MHz signal. The diameter of my particle is around 8...
10 October 2015 1,012 3 View
Dear All, I have read some of the IDT design pattern, normal pattern are finger and void with same distance, but there are also the pattern that the distance between finger is less than the finger...
09 September 2015 2,075 0 View
Dear All, Anyone knows the way to couple Acoustic to Laminar flow ? The concept is Acoustic Radiation force turns to be -> Acoustic Streaming in Laminar flow that can make the velocity profile...
08 August 2015 1,517 2 View
Dear All, I am very interesting in controlling number of cell in droplet, In this paper, they used statistic model to predict number of cell in the droplet ...
07 July 2015 4,029 4 View
Dear All, I am trying to compile the example 2 in http://www.arc.vt.edu/ansys_help/flu...ne_dpm_bc.html but I have found common problem that I have found many times "error C2065: ___________ :...
05 May 2015 1,326 0 View
Dear All, I am new with UDF in Fluent, I have tried to understand UDF Manual from ANSYS, but I am still cannot solve this problem. I provide part of my code which has error below.... and I attach...
04 April 2015 2,507 3 View
Dear All,I need to use Workbench for FSI, and I have to use UDF in Fluent.Normally, I did 1) open SDK 2)Go to working directory 3)open Fluent 4) open Case 5) Load UDF Then, how can I open...
04 April 2015 9,745 2 View
Dear All,I simulate FSI with Transient structure and Fluent First, I put very high frequency of vibration to structure and transfer this displacement to the fluid flow (Fluent).Then, I use lower...
03 March 2015 7,458 2 View
Dear All, I am very new with UDF,i am doing the simulation of particle in Fluent by using DPM+UDF, Could I ask few questions? 1) What should I do with this error?2) What's different btw Compile...
03 March 2015 7,562 4 View
I don't know how to define parameter in Fluent.As you can see in Figure Parameter_set, I would like to change initial velocity to be varied parameterBest Regards,Yannapol S.
02 February 2015 3,119 1 View
Dear All,I would like to ask you, in Fluent Multi-phase flow (Eulerian), How secondary phase block primary phase ? If my have very high fraction of secondary phase, the primary will be blocked or...
02 February 2015 8,586 4 View
Dear All,I am simulating Fluid Structure interaction. I have followed tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOGkvrnKS-cThis tutorial was set as following .... For Structure,Time step size =...
02 February 2015 9,789 4 View
Dear All,As you can see from the picture, I have tried to link the solution from structure to Fluid (Fluent). But I cannot do this All of the VDO, they started with Fluent and transfer solution...
02 February 2015 6,754 2 View
Hi, has anyone used FSI before? I have an error (see attached). I have tried changing parameters, but I still cannot handle this. "System Coupling run completed with errors. Fluid...
02 February 2015 4,085 7 View
Dear All,I am simulating the deposition/ accretion of the small particle of the nozzle wall. I have stuck this problem a month, I have worked >10 hrs a day , somebody please help me. First, I...
02 February 2015 1,825 5 View
I run the transient study in Fluent and try to open it in CFD Post, but it error Like this. I really don't know How it is happen, I did not interrupt the file during the file was saving. Could you...
02 February 2015 1,865 6 View
I would like to simulate the clogging of nozzle from the deposition of solid particle, but it seems to be that Comsol consider particle as a point (dimesionless) Therefore, when the particle...
01 January 2015 5,791 4 View