Dear All, I am trying to actuate the particle inside the microfluidic channel by SAW but my current function generator can only generate a 20MHz signal.
The diameter of my particle is around 8 micron.
In the first paper, they show the relationship between particle diameter and frequency.
From their formula, 2 micron diameter particle was deflected with 280MHz or upper
But the another example is standing wave,!divAbstract
They manipulated 1.9 micron diameter particle with 38.2 MHz
I am so confused. Do they define "particle movement or deflection" with a different meaning?
If I need to control particle at the center, which frequency should I use?
Last thing, how can I know the estimated power I should use in particle deflection?
Since my equipment and the size of microchannel etc. are different from the other papers.
Best Regards,
Yannapol S.