8 Questions 19 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sumeet Kulkarni
I have around 2000 .nc files of hourly wind data and I want to compile them into a single .mat file. How does one extract so many files with unique file names. Currently I am using nc_varget...
07 July 2014 6,989 9 View
I have come across many past works who have used dynamic downscaling using regional climate models. RCMs are computationally intensive and have certain limitations.Can anyone suggest any past...
06 June 2014 7,816 8 View
Currently I am using NCEP reanalysis dataset, but that is very coarse (2.5 degrees resolution). So please suggest some high resolution data available for at least 30 years (1970-2005).
06 June 2014 9,298 8 View
Is DWT helpful in reducing bias for further downscaling? Many bias correction techniques such as standardisation and quantile mapping have been employed under the assumption of stationarity. Can...
03 March 2014 591 2 View
I need to map the offshore wind potential along the Indian shoreline. Please suggest suitable ranges for wind potential such as low, medium, high with proper references if possible.
03 March 2014 3,662 7 View
I have NCEP data for past and GCM dataset for future in daily temporal resolution.I need to convert daily dataset to hourly data.The attached paper suggests a method but I am not sure whether it...
02 February 2014 1,047 3 View
Lots of content is available online. However, its far too complex. I just want to know superficially the working of global climate models!
01 January 2014 6,394 2 View
In AR4 reprort according to CMIP3 there was a scenario named "Commit" whos forcings were assumed constant and hence we could forecast the wind speeds due to natural variability!The CMIP5 has not...
01 January 2014 1,303 4 View