12 Questions 1 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sujeesh Sukumaran
I have 20% (w/w) formaldehyde-d2 in water. I want to calculate the isotopic purity using NMR. But I am getting 3 to 4 peaks corresponding to different polymers of methylene glycol. How to find the...
18 March 2021 4,612 2 View
What are the common adulterants in commercial honey? how to identify pure honey and adulterated honey with the help of NMR spectroscopy? Is there any other technique to check purity of honey?
21 January 2021 5,789 12 View
HN detected NMR methods for resonance assignment of IDPs is not so efficient because of the poor dispersion of peaks and reduced sensitivity due to rapid exchange of amide protons. assignment...
20 September 2018 6,892 1 View
If I design a peptide for preventing aggregation of Abeta 42 peptide, what are aspects should I consider if I want to suggest it as drug for Alzheimer disease. What all are the properties should...
03 November 2017 3,872 2 View
I recorded 15N HSQC NMR spectrum of an IDP at temperature 278, 283, 288, 293 and 298.I ploted temperature vs amide proton chemical shift for each residue and fitted to linear and calculated...
28 April 2017 7,283 2 View
I have a calcium binding protein. To make it calcium free i did dialysis with EDTA containing buffer. But how to make sure whether a protein is calcium free ?
24 November 2016 2,207 2 View
I have a peptide which can form fibrils upon heating. I wish to find some application to that. What are the experimental conditions should I try to find whether my peptide form a hydro gel ? How...
24 November 2016 3,525 5 View
I have a Serine doublet in my protein sequence. I am not able to find a sequential connection between these two. Is there any NMR experiment which gives all serines present/absent in a single...
15 April 2016 5,934 3 View
I read about circulating tumor cells and understood that cellsearch (Janssen) is the only FDA approved method that existing for capturing cancer cells and they are based on antigen-anibody...
23 November 2015 5,942 8 View
Why do we generally prefer cells like DH5alpha or top10 for increasing plasmid amount and isolation? Why are we using BL21 for protein expression? Why not DH5alpha?
27 November 2014 6,830 9 View
I have a protein of 277 aminoacids. I want express a truncated version of that without first 22 aminoacids from N-terminal and also the sequence should start with a cysteine residue. Is there any...
16 May 2014 6,241 9 View
I am trying to express N terminal (17 kDa, Rosetta DE3, pET28A vector) part of Orb2 protein (CPEB family in drosophila). But after induction (1 mM IPTG) I am getting a protein induced in the...
11 October 2013 6,374 1 View