20 Questions 81 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Suhas Dinesh
Hi, I am trying to plot the dispersion diagram for a transmission line metamaterial IFA antenna, consisting of a capacitor in series and an inductor in parallel to the antenna. As far as I...
23 January 2022 5,720 4 View
What is the relative permittivity of the plastic material used in laptops (a.k.a. PC+ABS-FR(40)) from 600 MHz - 6000 MHz?
18 October 2021 3,087 0 View
Hi, I want to know how to get SNRinstantaneous/SNRaverage for SISO (1x1) and MIMO (4x4) during simulation in HFSS or CST to plot the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) and get the diversity...
30 July 2021 2,298 2 View
I have modeled the lumped element circuit for the 3D structure which has been simulated in HFSS. Now I need to derive the equations for the lumped elements keeping the S-parameters of the...
24 December 2020 362 3 View
Hi, Can somebody prove it? Regards, Suhas D
22 April 2020 4,419 0 View
The practical magnitude of axial ratio for circular polarization can go upto 6 dB (0 dB
30 July 2018 5,103 10 View
1. Does it increase the electrical length of the antenna? 2. Does an increase in ground plane lead to more reflections, leading to a more directional pattern? 3. How can one increase an...
23 July 2018 1,807 6 View
Was Hertz’s findings and contributions not significantly influenced by theFitzGerald, Lodge, and Heaviside (The Maxwellian's)?
09 April 2017 9,938 11 View
If a transmission line is modeled as RLGC, how does time varying currents at high frequencies propagate from source to load when: The capacitors offer low impedance path to the ground? The...
19 August 2016 375 9 View
A vector field that has a curl cannot diverge and a vector field having divergence cannot curl. But the curl (rotation about a point) of maximum space rate of increase in a scalar field equals...
04 May 2016 9,291 20 View
What does relaxation time or rearrangement time in dielectrics actually stand for? If Quartz has a relaxation time of 51 days, does it mean quartz takes 51 days for charges inside it to rearrange...
19 April 2016 1,301 9 View
1. Permittivity is the ability of a material to resist the formation of electric fields inside it. Hence, a metal has infinite permittivity. 2. But, doesn't permittivity relate to Polarization...
28 March 2016 4,866 1 View
tanδ = σ/ωε and Power dissipated by a dielectric media is given by Pdissipated = fE2 εtanδ. The tangent loss decreases with an increase in frequency and the power dissipated increases with...
23 March 2016 3,838 5 View
What are the range of values for Electric Susceptibility? In case of air, I know it is zero(0). My doubt is w.r.t. polarizability of air. If air has poor polarizability, then how does...
16 March 2016 6,953 14 View
Are the Integral and Differential forms of Maxwell's Equations position dependent?
23 February 2016 1,887 6 View
Why are Microwaves reflected by metals and passed through by glass? Can mirrors reflect EM waves? Is Skin depth the reason?
21 February 2016 4,035 9 View
Why is it that TE10 is the only mode considered while observing output in case of waveguides or microstrip structures? Why not TE20 or TM21 et al.? Is it because the higher order modes have higher...
11 February 2016 8,501 11 View
I was recently told that the maximum skin depth (δ) used in waveguides is 6δ. Usually it is kept to a maximum of 5δ, as the waves cannot penetrate beyond this at high frequencies. Why is it 6δ and...
11 February 2016 5,292 6 View
Why are Electric and Magnetic Fields perpendicular to each other in an Electromagnetic Wave?
02 February 2016 3,137 11 View
Among microwave sources like Klystron, Magnetron, TWT, gyrotron, Gunn Diode, Tunnel Diode, IMPATT Diode etc., which can provide the maximum output power?
03 January 2016 620 6 View