16 Questions 13 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Soudipan Maity
I would like to ask if there are possible resources to access any freely available datasets of actual power generation from a utility-scale solar photovoltaic power plant on an inverter-wise basis...
30 November 2020 1,908 4 View
Suppose, in a photovoltaic string with multiple modules (assume 10), all connected in series, each module is getting different values of irradiance uniformly throughout the module surface. Each...
03 November 2020 3,987 2 View
I have a multi-objective optimization problem (two objectives) that involves two variables and discrete search space. I was hoping to use integer programming for the same, but I was wondering if...
10 December 2019 3,763 1 View
I need to calculate the slip of an induction generator during a fault at the terminal of the machine, without the knowledge of the rotational speed of the machine. It can be assumed the mechanical...
16 November 2019 3,047 3 View
If the real-time steady state load data of substations at sub-transmission level (for e.g., 66 kV) is available, how can we aggregate the loads to the substations at 220 kV or 132 kV transmission...
19 June 2019 3,252 9 View
I am working in a research institution in India and am looking for a wind and PV emulator supplier on behalf of my department. I am aware of Ecosense in India which manufactures such products. Any...
09 October 2018 6,066 2 View
I am looking for some methods to estimate the loads in a power system at a transmission level which can be lumped to the individual sub-transmission buses.
01 September 2018 1,425 6 View
As we know, coherent groups of synchronous generators can be identified and converted to an equivalent dynamic model to simplify a given power system and still maintain the dynamics of the system....
21 July 2018 6,527 4 View
A three phase transformer of 100 MVA and 220/33 kV nominal voltage ratio has tap-winding on it's HV side to control the secondary winding voltage, with a provision of +/- 10% change in voltage, at...
28 April 2018 3,953 2 View
Apart from the possible disconnection of the modern variable speed wind turbines, from the grid, during low-voltage events, I wanted to know what other factors can be referred to as the...
25 March 2018 6,619 2 View
Hello. I am working on the voltage stability issues of an actual large-scale wind power connected power system and am trying to simulate the occurences of three-phase short circuit faults at...
21 March 2018 5,553 4 View
I am looking for a comprehensive and easy-to-understand study material or video lecture series on FACTS devices in power system. Any suggestions on it would be much appreciated.
09 March 2018 3,480 10 View
As per the concept of induction machine operation, it is supposed to generate active power when operating in super-synchronous mode, and consume active power when in sub-synchronous mode. Still,...
26 February 2018 5,794 3 View
As given in the below screenshot of a state load dispatch center real time data, there are some ICT loadings showing negative active/reactive power load. What does this signify? Thanks in advance.
29 June 2017 3,867 3 View
I'm working on the software modelling of a regional grid in India and I would really appeciate some help regarding my below queries, 1) Why is YNd1/YNd11 the most common vector groups for power...
20 June 2017 8,845 10 View
I am doing a modelling of a regional electrical grid in India and for that, I require the technical details (reactance parameters, intertia constant, etc) of each standard generating unit of...
15 June 2017 6,663 7 View