I'm working on the software modelling of a regional grid in India and I would really appeciate some help regarding my below queries,

1) Why is YNd1/YNd11 the most common vector groups for power transformers even though the generators are generally star-connected? Why isn't the primary winding delta-connected that way? Which is more common-YNd1 or YNd11?

2) What are the usual vector groups of inter-connecting transformers in a grid?

3) What are the typical resistance values (in p.u) for a power transformer and an inter-connecting transformer?

4) What vector groups are followed in step-up transformers in wind turbines?

5) In DigSilent PowerFactory, there are options of choosing a 'YN' or a 'Y' connection in generators or transformer modelling. What is the difference between the two?

Thanks in advance.

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