20 Questions 8 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Soudabeh Farhadi
Hi dear researchers Is it right use 1/mmol unit for extinction coefficient (molar absorption coefficient) instead of 1/mM? (I see this in some atticles)
12 December 2018 4,565 4 View
Dear researchers Why does DNA polymerase need an RNA primer? but RNA polymerase don't? What happened in catalytic site?
06 June 2018 5,020 0 View
Dear researchers I want to know polyubiquitin roles in DNA repair .(briefly)
05 May 2018 8,616 0 View
Hi dear researchers I Want to know about metagenome and metataxonomic (definitions and applications). Why we need metagenomics? How metagenomics differ from genomics?
04 April 2018 3,434 0 View
Dear researchers, Nanomaterials such as nanotubes and nanoporouses are used for immobilization of peroxidase enzymes. H2O2 is one of the Horseradish peroxidase enzyme substrates. Does oxidation...
01 January 2018 2,754 0 View
Dear researchers, I want to know about torsion angles in nucleotide. Can someone help me?
01 January 2018 3,116 0 View
Dear researchers, I want to know about methods of producing recombinant insulin. Could anyone help me with some literature. Thanks in advance
12 December 2017 3,060 4 View
Hi dear researchers In a nature report "Amperometric inhibitive biosensor based on horseradish peroxidasenanoporous gold for sulfide determination" measuring sulfide concentration in a wastewater...
11 November 2017 5,224 3 View
Hi dear researchers According to this sentence "mRNA Spatial shape can effect on gene expression even the amount of gene expression" I waned to know how gene expression can be regulated by mRNA...
10 October 2017 3,324 4 View
I study a bout biosensors and bioreceptors... I am new biochemistry student...and I want to know a bout surface attachment of the biological element in biosensors... it is mystery for me ...
10 October 2017 1,350 4 View
I am studying enzyme immobilized nanoparticles for catalytic applications. Research are using different names like activity yield or activity recovery. What is the difference between enzyme...
01 January 1970 6,199 13 View
Hi dears How do nanoparticles interact with enzymes after immobilization? How can bioinformatics tools be used for this? can I use bioinformatics free softwares with simple system to know...
01 January 1970 331 7 View
Hi dear researchers. I have a mixture of nanoparticles and hemin and buffers, … It was centrifuged and washed several times. Is there any way to calculate the residual hemin concentration? (...
01 January 1970 1,008 4 View
Hi researchers I determine optimal pH and temperature of immobilized enzyme activity. I want to know how pre-incubated it at different pH for pH stability factor.
01 January 1970 2,311 5 View
Hi dear researchers Is it possible that observed increase of Km for one substrate and decrease for another one (for enzymes with two substrates such as HRP) after immobilization?
01 January 1970 8,564 7 View
I want to test my peroxidase for removal of phenol and I need 1-20 mM phenol. Which solvent is better that I used for phenol with no bad effect on enzyme activity? ( with refrence)
01 January 1970 7,187 2 View
Hi researchers. I immobilized an enzyme that has two substrates.The catalytic efficiency Vmax/ Km value of immobilized enzyme was very higher than that of free enzyme (for two substrates). Is it...
01 January 1970 3,223 3 View
Hi dear researchers I want to test removal of phenol by my peroxidase enzyme. Could you help me with a ptotocol?
01 January 1970 6,151 5 View
Hi researchers… Is it true that calculate kcat of my enzyme with this formula? Kcat=Vmax/km I saw this formula in an article: Kcat=Vmax/[E]; but I don’t understand which enzyme concentration?!...
01 January 1970 5,019 5 View
Hi dear researchers We used HRP (Biobasic) in phosphate buffer (pH: 6.5) and after adding TMB, the reaction turning to light blue without adding H2O2. After adding H2O2 to reaction media, the...
01 January 1970 4,186 3 View