24 Questions 19 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sheikh Mohd Iqbal S. Zainal Abidin
I understand that the peak load at that specific deformation is to be taken but how do we get the % in degradation (is it by % decrease from one load to another)? Additionally, do we compare peak...
10 October 2019 10,148 5 View
Was it to physically identify crack orientation/inclination and differentiate it between lateral, flexural, shear cracks etc? Or is it for some other function i dont know about.
04 April 2019 5,077 5 View
I tested 100x100x500mm concrete prisms under direct shear using the JSCE-SF 6 standards. Is calculating the area under the load-deflection curve considered as shear toughness or shear energy? The...
01 January 2019 3,675 1 View
I've tried using the Concrete Damaged Plasticity parameters but the model just would not work. I'm trying to model a beam-column joint using ECC as the joint material (region intersection between...
11 November 2018 8,016 5 View
I've read the manual but i cannot seem to visualize the definition. Say i'm doing a simple reverse cyclic test for a concrete for say, 50mm displacement in 2400 seconds. How does 'every n time...
11 November 2018 2,478 0 View
I am trying to extract RF3 (Reaction Force) and U3 (Spatial Displacement) from a uniqe nodal postion FOR JUST 1 NODE. but the size of the file is 13 million KB and creating XY data from the...
11 November 2018 9,182 0 View
I am trying create an XY data from the model via a unique nodal. But the reference point in the .cae model is not visible in the .odb output. Hence i was unable to 'select it from viewport'. Is...
11 November 2018 2,939 4 View
I conducted compressive and tensile concrete uniaxial test for the Concrete Damage Plasticity (CDP) data in Abaqus. But I only have normal strains under stress, how do i get the inelastic strain?
09 September 2018 4,335 2 View
I produced negative inelastic strain in my stress-strain concrete curves (i noticed that mostly negative value were at the elastic/early stage). Do i take the negative inelastic strains and...
09 September 2018 5,484 1 View
I conducted a compressive uniaxial stress-strain test for normal concrete, it achieved a peak stress of 35 MPa but when i calculated the young's modulus from the stress-strain curve in excel, it...
09 September 2018 406 14 View
Does it have any relevance with M50 and C50 concrete strength? In terms of designing it, will using a normal concrete design method achieving 50MPa considered a B50 grade? Thanks in advance.
07 July 2018 6,327 20 View
Under the CDP, there are only uniaxial compression and tension data ranges. As far as i understand, Abaqus formulates/estimate the strain-softening behavior automatically using the modified...
11 November 2017 6,022 0 View
Since toughness is the measure of a material to deform past its elastic stage while retaining its stiffness, will the toughness obtained from compression tests correspond linearly with toughness...
07 July 2017 8,846 3 View
Possible problems; 1. Constraints. I've tied the column to the joint and beam to the joints (Precast concrete). But i suspect there are over constraint nodes between the beam and column edges near...
06 June 2017 6,800 2 View
I try to run an overnight simulation but the job kept getting aborted due to error "session has been idle longer than 3600 seconds, disconnecting from Abaqus License Manager". How do i increase...
06 June 2017 1,866 12 View
I am trying to impose cyclic load on a simple knee beam-column joint to simulate an earthquake. The boundary condition and loading I've set so far have only resulted in errors.
05 May 2017 5,896 3 View
I am about to design a direct tensile test for Fiber Reinforced Concrete. Is there a guideline on the dog-bone dimension or can i just pick any size to my liking. Thanks.
03 March 2017 1,322 4 View
I need the Poisson's Ratio for ABAQUS modelling. Will it affect the results if i used general Poisson's Ratio for concrete?
10 October 2016 6,977 4 View
The code has specifically set the speed of the actuator (0.025 to 0.075 mm/ min) for the testing but the equipment that i am using is not digital, its manual and normally used to produce load...
10 October 2016 7,784 5 View
Chemical treatments such as alkaline, saline-treatment has been experimentally proven to improve the mechanical properties of natural fibers. However, drawbacks to the treatment includes shrinkage...
09 September 2016 5,100 4 View
Say 0.25% Vol. Fraction of Fibers are to be added in concrete mix. That 0.25% is multiplied by Cement Weight (kg) to get the weight needed for the fibers, am i correct?
09 September 2016 8,474 3 View
Trying to deprotonate aromatic secondary amine, so that the resulting anion can react with aromatic C-Br bond. I tried with NaH, trying to avoid n-BuLi and Grignard reagents.
09 September 2016 8,491 0 View
The actuator that i have in my lab is an old manual (load controlled) actuator. In the code that i am using, it suggests that the actuator must develop a rate such that the displacement must be...
09 September 2016 2,970 5 View
The JSCE-G 533 Test method for shear strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete. Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures, Test Methods and Specifications. The JSCE-G 551 Test method for...
01 January 1970 3,896 1 View