16 Questions 103 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Shahab Uddin
The sun goes through a natural solar cycle approximately every 11 years. The cycle is marked by the increase and decrease of sunspots. The greatest number of sunspots in any given solar cycle is...
22 May 2020 5,192 8 View
Is hydroelectricity a clean source of power? Are we fighting against Climate Change or CO2? A study from Washington State University has found that methane, which is at least 34 times more...
19 August 2019 9,382 20 View
Please... add project member who relay want to join your project
15 June 2019 9,353 4 View
Change is nature, and climate is changing. Human capacity in boosting and controlling climate change is still a debatable issue and has the scope of investigation. Whatever the level of human...
30 May 2019 9,650 17 View
Science: Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence. E=MC^2 is ‘Science’...
09 May 2019 5,278 20 View
The Moon is the closest neighbor of The Earth and the Sun is the most influential. But there are not the only neighbors. There are many planets in the solar system, many solar systems in the Milky...
08 May 2019 5,980 10 View
Terrorism is a threat for the society and humanity. To get rid of it we need to understand their origins and forms. When a terrorist group attacks us and kills tens of people world Medias cover...
04 May 2019 466 11 View
How do you perceive change? Are we (human race and civilization) changing? Are other organisms (plant and animal) also changing? Is the earth changing? Is climate changing? Shall we afraid of...
04 May 2019 8,381 24 View
Sometimes we are too much optimistic. Try to ignore small problems, thinking that they have no potentials to do any harm. such thinking gives us self-satisfaction and we continue doing nothing....
28 April 2019 9,281 8 View
Most of the people think Pyramids are Tombs of Pharaoh. If we look at the plan considerations in those giant pyramids we will see very good similarities with modern doomsday bunkers. Saving...
28 April 2019 2,788 16 View
Time travel is very common in science fiction movies and novels The only concern of time travel is – can we travel in the past? Traveling to future is not an issue. We are all travelling to future...
23 April 2019 5,228 33 View
Young professionals always need to fight for reaching a stable state in their journey. The key challenge they face is – what they have learned in college/university and what are the traditional...
18 April 2019 9,054 32 View
I have no idea how does a speedometer work. But I can perfectly decide, shall I cross the road or not looking at a moving car. You may have hundreds of such examples Expecting your valuable...
08 April 2019 6,014 4 View
Internet providing us lots of opportunities and threats. Predatory journals are one of those threats comes in the mask of opportunity. Many young researchers may fall in their traps. RG could be...
06 April 2019 6,600 29 View
During 2018, Puerto Rico has exposed to many devastating hurricanes along with many other parts of USA. In Puerto Rico, hurricanes have created disaster in the society. There is no doubt that...
02 January 2019 7,123 9 View
The climate is changing for sure. However, the question is how much CO2 contributing to the phenomenon. Do we know enough about other possible drivers? Is there any research which focused on all...
18 December 2018 9,474 88 View