34 Questions 175 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Satyaprasad Venkata
is there any benifit of using ND Yag laser for tretment of Lichen planus pigmentosus where the final goal could be to reduce pigmentation. would the laser help in reducing pigment or worsen the...
12 November 2018 7,931 1 View
the common Posterior vitreous detachment causes some anxious moments of vision disturbance and an unknown fear. How can it be prevented and treated to not to cause a burden on the aging population?
26 March 2017 4,684 2 View
bruise on face can leave a mark for some time. which methods reduce marks and provide relief faster without any difficulty.what is the pathogenesis and what preventive measures will help?
20 November 2016 9,534 2 View
can a diagnosis of tenia versicilor be made in infants. if so what could be the mode of transmission and immunology?
22 October 2016 975 3 View
India is going to become or has become the world capital for diabetes. A country which has a high value for traditional medicine and the seat for Yoga has suddenly seen itself as the world capital...
10 October 2016 7,565 9 View
Polymorphic light eruption is a common phenomena. will this reaction end up leading to SLE. how different are these two entities?
08 October 2016 668 7 View
Can benzylperoxide clindamycin and adapalene be used simultaneously on the site of acne for a period of 10 to 30 minutes in the evening. . Will there be any change in the bioavailability of drugs.
04 October 2016 4,429 3 View
how frequent are the existence of RA and psoriasis. Is HCQS or hydroxychloroquine justified in the condition?
12 February 2016 1,797 8 View
Levamisole and vitiligo. Is levamisole helpful in the cure or stability of vitiligo as an immunomodulator
12 February 2016 6,764 9 View
Hair fall the common sign and result of any traumatic situation has its effect on many heads. The effort that one puts on to save the hair from falling is also commendable. Hair density loss,...
17 January 2016 3,160 12 View
Just as Flucanazole is given weekly can itraconazole aslo be used as weekly doses for tenia and candidiasis?
14 January 2016 9,492 6 View
Rosacea is a common condition which tends to trouble quite a few individuals. dry skin and redness add to their woes. chemical peels are sometimes a nightmare to the dermatologist. Is a peel safe...
21 August 2015 8,913 5 View
Can haemangiomas be treated by giving intralesional injections of steroids? Risk of bleeding is there. Has any one tried and any results that are better than systemic steroids?
18 August 2015 1,531 3 View
Focal Vitiligo and generalized vitiligo both can start as a simple focus, of hypopigmentation. How can one be sure to say that the lesion is focal. Can a simple epidermal graft cure focal...
04 August 2015 2,313 7 View
When giving botox to corrugators and procerous which act as accessory muscles It is worth while, therefore, to recall them, not only for completeness, but because of their undoubted clinical...
31 May 2015 8,871 3 View
Is there any link between the lifestyle and higher incidence of PCOS. fast foods sunscreens, cosmetics, and finally MSG
29 May 2015 6,630 4 View
Pt had one abortion has scanty ovarian tissue tested positive for anti thyroid anti globin antibody. APLA negative Protein c not tested. had one abortion. now in 8 th week gestation and advised...
27 April 2015 1,610 6 View
Considering the intensity of wrinkles or grade of wrinkles and dose of Botox. is there any formula?How does one decrease the metabolism of botox?
23 March 2015 3,185 4 View
Milia seems to be of a concern in some parents who seem to excessively react to the milia. How does one manage the case giving utmost care and support?
19 March 2015 9,589 4 View
the choice for depeigmentation agents has been a challenge for many doctors and cosmetic companies. has any one got any significant result with tranexamic acid?
22 December 2014 3,370 4 View
Safety of hydroquinone in the context of extensive and unmanned usage and production of cosmetic products sold as skin lighteners.
11 October 2014 2,087 11 View
UV rays and pigmentation are well known. Recent advances have pointed out to levels of Vitamin D3 and skin inflammation. Are they significant in causing pigmentation?
12 September 2014 2,922 8 View
See above
26 August 2014 5,945 1 View
It has been noticed that many dangerous prescriptions like sex enhancing products, beauty enhancing products, antibiotics, that are given for a day or two, diabetic drugs, anti hypertensives ,...
26 August 2014 5,411 6 View
An elderly woman who complained of pain and progressive erosive lesion measuring 5cms * 4cms eroding the ear lobe. Duration 2-3 years. Complained of pain down the neck. urface was rough with...
18 August 2014 469 33 View
Is there any significance to dermatophytids reaction and urticaria? Hidden fugal infections. Do they have any significance?
29 July 2014 544 5 View
Recurrent tenia infections of the groin and body. How significant is the role of spores and what medications are effective. Duration of medications
26 July 2014 2,598 3 View
This is a case of third trimester pregnancy with psoriasis, extensive involvement, possibility of caesarian section. How does one manage the case when there is involvement of the abdominal region,...
09 January 2014 6,515 7 View
Is there a possibility of patients presenting with chronic urticaria in those who had a mild atopic dermatitis in childhood?
05 January 2014 8,154 14 View
A middle aged woman presented with multiple vesicular lesoins, ithy in nature over her palms, foot blisters were sterile, recurrent, it also involved the nail folds, distal end of digits, with...
03 July 2013 4,088 1 View
A female patient was treated for basal cell carcinoma 5 years ago and has now developed seborrhic keratosis on her face. She is 45 years old. What are the chances of this individual having...
01 July 2012 3,849 8 View
Urticaria is almost like a marker for many autoimmune disorders. Does treatment of vitiligo or hypothyroidism alter urticaria?
26 March 2012 8,369 5 View
cyclists today are aiming to participate in brevet what would be the recommended age weight nutrition exercise for newcomers being a vegetarian is it a handicap
01 January 1970 8,898 1 View
As age is increasing more changes are seen on the skin earliest would be on the face and hands. It is quite common to find women and men complain about looks pigmentation wrinkles in their mid...
01 January 1970 205 9 View