12 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sameer Jagannathrao Salunkhe
I am using RPMI 1640 and found that glucose and L-glutamine are not consumed. Many cells are still happily growing. Can there be a change in metabolic preferences?
09 September 2014 8,716 5 View
cells are lysed in RIPA buffer and I want to use that extract for IP, As extract has NP-40, SDS, high salts it will interfere with the binding of Ab with desired protein. Dialysis is one method...
08 August 2014 5,512 5 View
Please share the protocols which are tried for the same and explain the critical points to take care.e.g. How to get rid of other cell population apart from blast cells? What should be the culture...
04 April 2014 8,760 2 View
Mitoxantrone is given to patients as 12mg/m2 body surface area. If Molecular weight of Mitoxantrone is 517 then what could be the molar concentration of mitoxantrone in blood plasma in a patient...
02 February 2014 4,366 1 View
I am working on DNA damage and repair in chemoresistant AML. Developing resistant cell line is taking quite some time, so if any one wishes to share AML cell lines( eg. HL-60, THP-1, Kasumi-1 etc)...
01 January 2014 8,507 2 View
I want to culture stem cells but I don't know which is the best medium for it? And how long can I maintain them as stem cells?
01 January 2014 9,759 1 View
Just like we have imatinib against BCR-ABLfusion protein. Why dont we have any inhibitor or antibody against MLL, PML-RARA and AML- ETO?
01 January 2014 2,869 1 View
Even secondary tumors of heart are rare though metastatic cancers spreads through blood flow and blood is circulated by heart.
01 January 2014 6,498 1 View
Doxorubicin is overlapping in FL-2 channel and the profile looks indistinct. Has anyone faced such problem? any solution?
12 December 2013 7,183 3 View
I am trying to grow Kasumi-1 cell line. I use RPMI 1640 and 20 % FBS but cells never seem to be growing. They keep on shrinking in size and eventually die off.
12 December 2013 8,012 4 View
I have been trying to make a drug resistant (Doxorubicin) cell line from HL-60 cells (Suspension culture) but some how I am not able to regrow the drug treated cells even after IC-50 treatment....
12 December 2013 6,017 3 View
Do Lipofectamine 2000 transfected plasmids get integrated into chromosomes? And if not then how many generations does it remain inside the transfected cell? If transient then how transient?
12 December 2013 8,445 5 View