20 Questions 51 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Reza Azin
Normally, a sandpack is prepared from sorted sand with a known mesh size and a porosity value. The mesh size can be converted to average or nominal particle diameter. My concern is to determine...
12 December 2017 1,168 1 View
There are some forces active in oil and gas reservoirs, including capillary, viscous, gravity, diffusive, and convective forces. The magnitude of each force may be different from one case to...
04 April 2017 8,923 3 View
In the context of reservoir engineering, the Non-Darcy flow is regarded as turbulent flow, as in both cases the pressure drop is higher than that in what is known as laminar flow or Darcy flow. My...
03 March 2017 5,307 19 View
The routine Gas Material Balance is often associated with analyzing the role of aquifer, its strength, and identifying the best model to find exact behavior of aquifer and GIIP. Doing so, the...
12 December 2016 8,822 6 View
Relative Permeability, an important rock property, is normally measured in the laboratory using reservoir gas and oil samples. It's however reported that some researchers provide the air-water Kr...
12 December 2015 5,914 3 View
Natural Gas is historically injected into oil reservoirs for pressure maintenance, known as secondary oil recovery in reservoir engineering terminology. Natural Gas is recently replaced with other...
10 October 2015 450 0 View
Heavy oil, extra heavy oil and Bitumen are natural resources with high-molecular weight and complex molecules. Proper measurement of critical properties is too difficult to measure and some times...
10 October 2015 7,639 2 View
Disulfide Oil, DSO, is a byproduct of gas processing units that treat sour gas. This mixture is normally regarded as a waste and sometimes flared or burnt in burn pit. I am looking to explore...
09 September 2015 7,044 5 View
The gas condensate fluids are light products and thought to be free of components which may cause solid formation in reservoir, well bore and storage tanks. However, there is evidences of sludge...
09 September 2015 2,373 10 View
For every industry, there are some important Key Performance Indicators, called KPIs, which can be considered as criteria for process efficiency, perfiamcnce and efficacy. My question refers to...
08 August 2015 1,437 6 View
the PVT calculations, including Bubble point, Dew Point, and Flash Calculations are mostly conducted in the bulk of fluid, ignoring the effect of capillary pressure, Pc, in the porous media....
07 July 2015 3,906 15 View
There are many intelligent models developed in computer engineering, including fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm, artificial neural network, and more recently, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System...
04 April 2015 1,017 3 View
It is a common practice that chemical processes are treated first in a pilot plant and then implemented in the main plants. This is specially important for Oil and Gas refining processes. My...
04 April 2015 2,533 5 View
It is a routine approach that production logging tool (PLT) data are used to match and find the best correlations for well flowing model in oil&gas fields. My question is to understand whether...
03 March 2015 8,696 13 View
The well-known Buckley-Leverret Theory is developed to study waterflowing problem in Oil recovery. My concern is whether the same theory is applicable to gas/liquid systems, with such applications...
07 July 2014 5,638 7 View
I am looking for some documents to describe the role of EOR techniques in increasing the oil recovery and the global income form EOR methods in Oil Market
07 July 2014 6,994 3 View
Henry's law is applied to predict solubility of gases in liquids. In the case of saline systems, Henry's constant is supposed to be different at different levels of salinity. I am seeking for...
06 June 2014 9,842 10 View
The injected gas into an oil reservoir for EOR can finger into oil during diffusion. How does diffusivity value affect the degree and severity of fingering? Does it occur in Gas Condensate...
05 May 2014 10,065 2 View
The interfacial tension is normally regarded as a fluid property. However, I think there could be some relationship between this property and rock characteristics in the pore scale.
05 May 2014 354 10 View
Compressor calculations are expected to change when acid gas, mainly composed of H2S and CO2, is to be fed instead of routine gas streams, either sweet or sour natural gas
04 April 2014 1,051 8 View