28 Questions 215 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rad Maythil
RG certainly must have a reason to reach this decision. How far would it affect you? How would the situation look like in general. And... Do you have alternatives? I hope this is a relevant question.
25 February 2023 1,574 18 View
In trying to be rigorous, scientists frequently pack presentations with content from journal articles. The usual result is a confused audience, befuddled by rapid-fire speaking, too much data and...
01 December 2020 2,094 6 View
She left school at 16 without completing her formal education, became a pioneer of virus imaging, and identified and imaged the first coronavirus in 1964. More than half a century after the...
22 April 2020 2,688 5 View
A theme of death and celebration. This is what I got as a Christmas gift -- an invitation to a new website that addresses drinkers and smokers. The site, https://tobalco.com/ doesn't encourage...
30 December 2019 7,662 0 View
Should Ray Bradbury's dystopian novel about a book-burning culture, Fahrenheit 451, be properly called Celsius 451? Some sources say Bradbury thought "Fahrenheit" sounded better for a title, but...
11 June 2019 9,695 0 View
Attention Researchers! A warning from the University of Hong Kong: "According to the latest research results, the presence of simple hyphens in the titles of academic papers adversely affects...
06 June 2019 3,601 4 View
Murphy's Law of Research tells us that "Enough research will tend to support your theory", but would it suffice? People often accept new information only if it confirms what they believe in. At...
06 June 2019 9,164 2 View
YES. I am just sharing news of a Yale University (YU) research which says so. I have always been intrigued by Schrödinger's cat, because personally I fancy God occupying a kind of Superposition....
06 June 2019 2,732 3 View
RG has it that your toughest technical question will get answered in 48 hours here. One of my questions at RG has never been answered. Maybe because it's nonsensical. Anyway I am posting it for a...
06 June 2019 6,622 4 View
I humbly request all researchers to avoid it and confine to Request for Full-Text. How does a reader know whether a research paper is within the limits of his/her grasp unless he/she sees the...
06 June 2019 4,468 6 View
In the novel 'Don Quixote' by Cervantes, Nobel-winning physicist Erwin Schrödinger noticed one thing strange: “Sancho Panza, who loses his donkey in one chapter but a few chapters later, thanks to...
06 June 2019 5,657 8 View
05 June 2019 9,840 3 View
I am working on a piece of fiction with the Caspian Sea at the core as an ambiguous symbol. Have you come across any book (fiction or non-fiction) or a scientific paper that comes with some rare...
10 October 2018 2,059 5 View
USA Approved Permanent Immigration Using The EB-5 Investment Program. Family May Qualify. The above is the ad that I mentioned in the question. What is your take on it in terms of the current...
17 August 2018 6,774 3 View
What happens to the flame when a candle is blown out? Where does it go? This is an image, in the form of a question, that my mind always invokes when people talk about a "soul" that still exists...
08 August 2018 3,578 2 View
Wikipedia: "The Boring Billion is a term coined by palaeontologist Martin Brasier to refer to the approximately one billion-year period between 1.8 and 0.8 Ga in Earth's history that is...
08 August 2018 8,374 3 View
This question comes from my previous question on fire. I have always felt that I have never come across a single photograph or video on fire that truly reproduces fire. Is that a problem with my...
04 August 2018 3,861 3 View
The following is a note that I included in a Sunday column for a news paper: " If you can't draw a picture, then you can't use a spear. That's how things were set in the days of our ancestral...
28 February 2018 2,135 18 View
I am giving you two links related to two totally independent papers of mine (hence no...
26 February 2018 9,145 0 View
“Looks” That’s the first answer we heard when my team of Wikipedians sat around a table and raised the question. Quite understandable, unaided by any description, although we can’t do anything...
12 December 2017 8,311 1 View
Butterflies follow Lovingly the flower-wreath Placed on the coffin. That’s a beautiful haiku by Meisetsu. There is a strong association between flowers and funerals in several cultures, but have...
05 December 2017 2,103 0 View
Based on 709,577 abstracts published between 1881 and 2015 from 123 scientific journals, a study argues that the readability of research papers in science is steadily decreasing. The...
27 November 2017 6,212 17 View
11 November 2017 4,694 6 View
As a person who is almost obsessed with thoughts on the concept of 'border' between any two things or phenomena in all possible instances, I am very much attracted by the title of this article. Is...
01 January 1970 2,047 1 View
Biden administration instructs all US agencies to require immediate access to federally funded research after it is published, starting in 2026. US government reveals big changes to open-access...
01 January 1970 3,904 2 View
Intermittent social distancing may be required lasting up to 2022 to lessen the pressure on healthcare systems across the globe and to reduce to impact of the novel coronavirus outbreak. This is...
01 January 1970 5,119 7 View
Why China got COVID-19 first? The answer could be in Selenium, an essential trace element obtained from the diet. Margaret Rayman (University of Surrey) has identified a link between the COVID-19...
01 January 1970 7,452 10 View
The passion for sport beats the economic crisis Often, while thinking about the harsh economic situation in countries like Argentina and Brazil, I would say myself, "OMG, what would they have...
01 January 1970 6,382 1 View