30 Questions 212 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Niyungeko Antoine
There is no consensus on the impact of minimum wages increase on gross domestic product.Some argue that incease in minimum wages reduces gross domestic product while other say the contrast. The...
27 March 2020 4,967 12 View
African Continental Free Trade Agreement among 54 of the 55 African Union nations is being implemented. This free-trade area will be the largest in the world in terms of the number of...
25 March 2020 773 28 View
During the last decades, many trade agreements were signed between developed and developing countries. The question is whether or not those trade agreements improved or were profitable for...
01 March 2020 3,307 4 View
In many papers that used regression model, we found econometric model used during analysis. But, when I analyze the methodoly used to draw conclusion, I find that most of the papers did not...
16 February 2020 9,174 10 View
In business, we observe competitors having same technology, same infrastructure and same market. But, the performance is different. The question is what makes differences between similar...
10 February 2020 812 50 View
The paper investigated the impact of micro and macro-economic indicators on non-performing loans and the extent to which those indicators vary through time; using a cross-sectional analysis...
08 February 2020 5,988 4 View
The world is facing two phonomena: Brexit and Coronavirus.What may be the impact of those phenomena on the world trade?
06 February 2020 8,616 4 View
The analyasis of the most influantial economies shows a strong correlation. The analysis is made based on importations of those regions for the periods from 1971-2018.
06 February 2020 1,214 5 View
I m analysing the determinant of economic growth by using time series data. Collected data covers the period from 1980 to 2017. There is one dependent variable and 12 independent variables. The...
07 January 2020 8,601 14 View
A training is organized on the following subject: 1. Correlation analysis, 2. Testing for eqality in means (t test and ANOVA), 3. Linear and logistic regression, 4.Mediation analysis, 5....
01 January 1970 1,902 3 View
01 January 1970 7,975 3 View
In most of articles, researchers indicate the methods used in data analysis. For instance one can mention that he/she did normality test/outliers detection,stationarity test, etc. However, he/she...
01 January 1970 2,090 9 View
Even though North America countries have investment opportunities in general, deep analysis must be made before deciding in which country to invest. Country-specific considerations must be taken...
01 January 1970 240 3 View
Most of economic data are time series. Regresssion of time series can lead to spurious regression.What are the main issues while analyzing time series?In other words, what are the main...
01 January 1970 989 18 View
The analysis of the profil of many of us shows that we are from many different disciplines. Almost all domains (mathematis, physics, economics,etc) are present on this platform. During this time...
01 January 1970 3,112 5 View
The World is engaged to end poverty through Sustainable Development Goals 2030 agenda. The content of the agenda is offered to all countries as a unique solution in the world to eradicate...
01 January 1970 5,799 39 View
Economic growth has been measured using gross domestic product (GDP) , gross domestic product per capita,etc. Using expenses approach to calcute GDP, the equation becomes: GDP= C+I+G+(X-M), where...
01 January 1970 9,782 35 View
Hi dear researchers, in everyday life we make decisions. Whether it is buying mobile phone, buying car, choosing investment, choosing suppliers, hiring employees, etc. To make better selection, we...
01 January 1970 7,717 2 View
The essay revises the article " Business cycles synchronization in the European Union: truth or challenge?". I present the limitations of the article. By analysis the data, I discored that the...
01 January 1970 6,119 0 View
Hello dear colleagues, Can someone provide me a questionnaire to evaluate the impact of human resource management practices (recrutement, training, carreer planing, compensation, communication,...
01 January 1970 6,170 11 View
European countries are much diversified in many aspects: culture, languages,economic development, inflation, gross domestic product, ect. These issues should be considered while planning to do...
01 January 1970 2,756 3 View
To answer to this question, data from 43 Sub-Sahara African countries was collected for 2017. Correlation and regression were performed to find the relationship between gross domestic product...
01 January 1970 9,459 21 View
This essay shows how results differ according to the method used . It shows also that cycle and trend have a little impact on pearson correlation coefficient. The essay shows also the limitations...
01 January 1970 6,735 0 View
Many studies have analyzed the way foreign direct investment inflows (FDI) affect gross domestic product (GDP). However, little is known about the indirect effects produced by FDI on GDP in...
01 January 1970 9,813 38 View
Contrairement aux résultats de beaucoup de chercheurs qui ont trouvé une relation directe entre les investissements directs étrangers et le produit intérieur brut; les résultats de l'analyse de la...
01 January 1970 2,175 34 View
The importance of mediator variable analysis relies on providing a better understanding of the mechanism by which a cause (independent variable) has an effect on a result (dependent...
01 January 1970 9,362 10 View
This essay explains the strategic considerations of doing business in Africa. It is found that when planning investing in Africa, these aspects should be considered: opportunity , purchase power...
01 January 1970 7,202 7 View
While planning to invest in Africa, some aspects like Inflation, doing business facilities, government priorities, governance, legislation, corruption, transparency if public purchase,...
01 January 1970 6,897 4 View
Inequality in salaries and wages between male and female has been used in all countries, as a competitive advantage by many companies. The strategy consists in paying low salaries to female, so...
01 January 1970 5,677 4 View
There are many debates on the impact of foreign direct investment inflows on gross domestic product in host country. However, little is known about the indirect effects of foreign direct...
01 January 1970 2,038 19 View