The importance of mediator variable analysis relies on providing a better understanding of the mechanism by which a cause (independent variable) has an effect on a result (dependent variable).Mediation explains how an independent variable (X) affects a dependent variable (Y) through one or more interacting variable(s) or mediator variable(s) (M) and the direction of this effect (Özdil & Kutlu, 2019).
To analyze the mediating effects of house hold consumption (HHC) in the relationship between gross domestic product (GDP) and foreign direct investment inflows (FDI) in 28 low and low-income African countries, data related to GDP, FDI and HHC was collected for 2017 period. Using Bootstrap method, the result shows a statically significant direct effect of FDI on GDP (path C) 13.989. However, when controlling for mediator variable (HHC), the direct effect of FDI and on GDP is reduced, and becomes not statically significant (path c') 2.064. The indirect effects become statically significant 11.925 suggesting mediation effect of HHC in the relationship between GDP and FDI. Therefore, low and low-income African countries should stimulate an increase in foreign direct investment to boost their gross domestic product.