33 Questions 30 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Muhammad Iqbal Hossain
In google map, we can see the travel time from a source address to destination address. I want to store those data. Is there any tool gor this?
10 October 2019 5,660 4 View
Can you please recommend some Research topics on Iot/cloud security for undergraduates?
06 June 2019 6,046 2 View
As testing means to compare result with expected one for some input values. Most of the time producing large test data set is difficult. I am planning to use Machine learning technique for...
04 April 2018 6,708 1 View
IEEE have defined a standard for all activity of software development. Software specification, design, testing, implementation all process should follow a standard procedure. In testing phase...
12 December 2017 5,790 0 View
Hello everybody, I am testing response time of a file system (text file). I select (randomly) files of different size and calculate total reading time. Then I compare the actual time with expected...
12 December 2017 906 0 View
I have already submitted a manuscript to a Journal and it is still under review.By this time I have made some extension of my submitted manuscript. Developed some new idea on verifying some new...
02 February 2017 6,775 6 View
A couple of months ago I had submitted my manuscript in a journal paper but canceled due to English writings. I have already checked and not sure how to improve English writing. I have seen that...
02 February 2017 10,239 4 View
Many databases are used in embedded system. My questions are: 1. Why we need a database? 2. What are the functionalities of the database? 3. What type of data are stored in a database? 4. What...
11 November 2016 5,789 0 View
As we know, The sensors carry the inputs into the system from its environment, and the actuators carry the outputs out of the system to its environment. So there are two kinds of timing...
11 November 2016 4,148 3 View
Currently i have completed my experiment. Now i need to evaluate my approach. But as we know to evaluate we need to compare the result with existing result based on some criteria. My technique is...
10 October 2016 7,017 2 View
I have just got review and i am missing some points. It will be helpful if anyone please describe me in details. 1. Paper definitely needs a validity section where threats to the results are...
07 July 2016 6,503 3 View
What kind of technique is used for systems of IoT? What are the challenges for testing IoT? Do we need to modify traditional testing technique for IoT? I really appreciate if anyone discuss or...
12 December 2015 4,318 4 View
Hello, I am writing a short paper for a conference. Page limitation is IEEE format maximum 5 pages. But it seems it will exceed 5 pages. So i want to deduct some point. is it necessary to include...
12 December 2015 10,243 8 View
Can anyone please suggest some SCI/SCI(E) indexed journal for Software Engineering/testing which have no publication fee?
11 November 2015 3,258 7 View
Currently i am working on a test technique. There are some scenario when design items are function, variable, file, io device, printer etc. I can experiment with function and variables but cannot...
10 October 2015 8,750 0 View
I am having some problem in writing evaluation section of my research paper. By some experiment i have collected some data as, Source fault discover rate Existing ...
10 October 2015 5,581 2 View
I want to generate control flow graph from code. But there are a few tools are available which are not free. I found control flow graph generator for java but it is difficult to find for C code....
08 August 2015 10,052 2 View
I need some open source example of cloud application. Basically i am working on Intra-cloud integration testing of cloud application. But i am not sure what type of apps would be suitable. Can...
06 June 2015 624 1 View
Computer, Laptop, Smartphone then which product will take place in human life??
02 February 2015 4,929 6 View
Usually in model based testing a "Model" is generated from specification. We do not include any source code information. What if I need some information to include in the model which can be...
12 December 2014 9,874 8 View
I am planning to start research on testing cloud system. So how can i start? What are the current limitation for testing cloud system?
10 October 2014 9,094 5 View
Hello Scholars, I am trying to make a common domain for input and output of a function. I divide this domain in input scheme and output scheme. Input scheme contains a set of possible inputs of a...
09 September 2014 7,650 6 View
Can anyone discuss about functional abstraction. What is functional abstraction? why it is being used? how to create a formal definition of functional abstraction? How to use input/output mapping...
07 July 2014 8,063 0 View
Suppose I have two separate processes P1 and P2. In P1 and P2 there are several modules/components which are standalone. There is no dependency between P1 and P2. P1 and P2 are tested separately...
06 June 2014 3,125 4 View
Can anyone recommend some papers or articles on this topic.
05 May 2014 1,751 1 View
Mobile based systems are taking the place of web based systems. In my opinion, usability and availability can be included as the main reason. What can be the other reasons?
04 April 2014 7,135 7 View
04 April 2014 5,181 5 View
Usually when we write papers we need to show some comparison between existing works and my work. Suppose by using existing approach we get 50% coverage but using my approach coverage is 70%. So my...
02 February 2014 5,844 8 View
I would like to start my research on cloud computing main focus on testing. But i do not understand how/where to start. Can anyone give me any suggestion?
01 January 2014 7,981 1 View
I want to extract some information from C code like: list of variable/function or global variable, definition-use of variable. Currently i convert c code to xml and parse xml file to collect this...
12 December 2013 6,088 13 View
Recently I was trying to submit my manuscript in a journal. While submission it requires the names of 4 potential reviewers. How can I find reviewer? Main keyword of my works are Software...
01 January 1970 5,391 1 View
Can anyone suggest some research direction for quantum cryptography?
01 January 1970 8,499 1 View
Currently, no desired dataset is available for traffic forecasting. can I use a random dataset to show the effectiveness of the proposed model?
01 January 1970 4,172 11 View