25 Questions 138 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Morteza Shabanzadeh
I would be grateful if anyone could tell me how the McCormick error can be reduced systematically. In fact, I would like to know how we can efficiently recognize and obtain a tighter relaxation...
26 February 2020 7,555 4 View
Hello, I was wondering if someone could tell me "maximum how many days ahead can the existing wind (power)-forecasting tools can predict the wind speed/power with an hourly time resolution and...
07 December 2016 7,449 6 View
Hello, Is it possible to mathematically model a binary variable using continuous variables in the optimization problems? For example, assume that 'X' is {0,1}. Can I define it as 0
01 December 2016 1,579 18 View
Hello, I would like to know that how I can obtain the dual value of a constraint when a meta-heuristic algorithm (such as PSO) is used, instead of a mathematical OR software (like GAMS), as...
02 May 2016 523 10 View
Hello, I need to know the future plan (R&D roadmap) of some countries for the 'power industry', especially in: India China Arab countries Australia Canada Brazil (or other South American...
05 April 2016 6,704 5 View
Hi, As you know, the wind power penetration level is expressed as a percentage of the total system demand (% power system demand). With this information, how can we understand that the the wind...
07 February 2016 1,090 5 View
From a technical viewpoint or from an economic perspective, which one of the following methods for power supply is more beneficial? 1) Distributed Generation (DG); 2) High-Capacity Power Transit...
27 January 2016 9,987 7 View
Hello, You may have seen the frequent use of autonomous and isolated in the technical reports of microgrid projects. Are there any conceptual differences between these two words in the smart grid...
04 January 2016 4,030 6 View
Hi, If we assume 'Ce' as the operational cost of an Energy Storage System (ESS) (in $/MWh), which of the following formulae can be correct for the calculation of its hourly operation cost by...
11 November 2015 9,879 7 View
Hi, I am looking for a probability density function (PDF) of the sunlight in a typical solar/photovoltaic system the same as what is available for wind speed in some papers (for instance, see the...
31 October 2015 6,557 9 View
Hi, I would like to know that whether it is possible to solve the optimization problems including continuous integrals using typical optimization software or not? See the following example,...
17 October 2015 4,240 11 View
ABSOLUTE VALUE OPERATOR LINEARIZATION I have a nonlinear term in the objective function of my optimization problem as an Absolute Value function like |x-a|. As far as I know, an Absolute Value...
21 April 2015 5,083 31 View
Binary Variable * Real Variable = ? 1) lead to an equivalent 'Nonlinear' variable (and thus => MINLP), 2) lead to an equivalent 'Integer' variable, 'Discrete' I mean (and thus =>...
16 April 2015 4,830 16 View
LOAD FORECASTING IN NEAR FUTURE It seems that in the smart grid environment due to the large boom of uncertain DERs and DR sources, current load forecasting approaches cannot be helpful...
03 March 2015 2,213 9 View
About FENIX PROJECT: ----------------------------------- According to the European project FENIX [1], what is the main difference or distinction between a Technical Virtual Power Plant (TVPP) and...
15 January 2015 5,096 9 View
ELECTRICITY ECONOMICS Nowadays, we hear the term 'Electricity Economics' most of the times from all over the world especially in TV, news, or even Energy Ministers' speeches. I would like to know...
11 December 2014 3,136 6 View
Hello, I would like to know that how I can find the number of variables (especially the integer ones) in GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System) codes. Does GAMS platform have any options to show...
19 November 2014 409 6 View
NONANTICIPATIVITY As far as I know, decision making under uncertainty can often be formalized as a stochastic problem. I have seen a constraint which is called "Nonanticipativity" in the most...
26 October 2014 3,533 9 View
MAINTENANCE WINDOW IN THE PREVENTIVE OUTAGE DECISIONS In the most papers regarding Generation Maintenance Scheduling (or Outage Planning) problem, we can see that the authors have assumed the...
25 October 2014 5,788 2 View
Hello, As far as I know, the meta-heuristic algorithms such as GA, PSO, GSA, etc. generally find the optimal solution of 'unconstrained' optimization problems. If I have some constrains (equality...
28 September 2014 3,849 57 View
I need some economic data of a typical small-scale Wind Power Plant (WPP) (e.g. 1MW up to 10MW) especially its Capital Cost and Operating and Maintenance Costs. http://mortezash.blogfa.com/
22 September 2014 297 10 View
Hello, I need to optimize a model using Subgradient Lagrangian Relaxation (LR) method. Assume the general form as below: . Min f(x,y) s.t. Ax+By
20 September 2014 2,285 28 View
I am going to call a function (an external GAMS code) to my main GAMS code. In MATLAB, it is really convenient to call an m-file as a function (an external m-file code I mean) to the main program....
24 April 2014 5,354 3 View
I need to implement Bilateral Contracts in one of my papers. Professor Galiana (McGill University) has published a useful paper in this regard (titled "Negotiating Bilateral Contracts in...
09 February 2014 7,790 3 View
Will the result be unique or not? The KKT condition of my lower-level problem is slightly difficult, but simple for the upper-level, so I want to swap them. Thoughts?
04 February 2014 372 6 View