22 Questions 68 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Matt Jans
Hi there! I'm looking for someone who can help me better understand nonprofits and how they file their taxes. It's for an ongoing research. Preferably someone who is nationally known on this topic...
06 June 2019 4,219 3 View
My context is survey question development and usability testing. We'll have participants answers some questions or do a task and then debrief them to find out what issues they had. Some colleagues...
08 August 2018 9,345 2 View
I'm looking for opinions based on experiences here. I know (generally) the range of publishers for social science and stats books, and have used intro methods and stats books from a range of...
12 December 2015 1,098 7 View
Greetings, I'm survey methodologist for the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) and I'm working on a research project on obtaining parental permission for our teen interview. As part of that...
05 May 2015 9,840 7 View
There is a more detailed post on this project...
05 May 2015 9,960 2 View
In survey research we often do extensive cognitive pretesting and focus groups to understand how respondents think, in their everyday lives, about the complex and formal ideas and topics we want...
02 February 2015 2,495 8 View
I have a good sense of how Stata and SAS differ in how they handle data files (with SAS reading only one observation into memory at a time and being able to handle multiple files at one, and Stata...
02 February 2015 4,045 8 View
I have several articles in a publication in my field that is edited but not peer-reviewed (http://surveypractice.org/...Note that their site says they are peer-reviewed, but I know form experience...
01 January 2015 4,700 1 View
The specific context is industry and occupation codes. These are 6-digit codes that are hierarchical and categorize a person's industry and occupation based on what they report to an open-ended...
01 January 2015 8,245 9 View
As I understand it, this is a fairly cutting edge topic (at least in applied statistics) and isn't completely integrated in the main statistical packages. I'm working my way through the...
01 January 2015 9,960 4 View
For my survey and decision science friends...Do you think it's better to ask for multiple interviews in the household upfront (e.g., after the screener) or to wait until later (e.g., after the...
01 January 2015 4,592 4 View
I thought this would be a good community for a first run of this questionnaire. I'm curious about which reference managers people use and why. It's a really short survey (9 questions, mostly...
11 November 2014 4,051 1 View
Any OneNote gurus out there? I've learned a lot about it in the past couple of years, but the biggest letdown is how sluggish it can be. Here's the situation... I've been noticing my OneNote being...
10 October 2014 2,842 0 View
I realize there are some situations where a true dummy coding (0, 1) is needed to make coefficients interpretable (and situations where you have to do contrast coding, etc), but in terms of...
08 August 2014 4,205 10 View
What is your favorite applied stats book on nonlinear mixed models or MLM? Include user manuals or great summary articles if applicable. I work mostly in Stata and SAS, but touch R from time to...
06 June 2014 4,929 2 View
I'm doing some research on this right now, and finding an interesting relationship. Has anyone out there studied this (directly or through lit review)? Any expectations one way or the other? Do...
02 February 2014 5,105 11 View
Looking for one or two model papers for a conference paper. Does anyone have a favorite paper on nonresponse bias (unit and/or item) in elderly populations...or papers correlating age with...
01 January 2014 5,284 5 View
I'm designing an incentive experiment for a survey of teen respondents. I'm wondering what amount of incentive will work for a short phone survey. The incentive will be promised (rather than...
10 October 2013 2,729 3 View
I recently came across this book: http://www.stata.com/bookstore/workflow-data-analysis-stata/ I hear it has good recommendations for any software, but does anyone have a good recommendation for a...
08 August 2013 9,257 2 View
I'm looking for good questions to get at an applicant's statistical and programming abilities and experiences, not the general "what are your strengths/weaknesses" kinds of questions, and...
08 August 2013 6,837 2 View
I'm looking for two things basically: 1) Syllabi for sampling or survey data analysis courses you've taken or tought. Good and bad examples both wanted. 2) If you've take a course on this, we'd...
01 January 1970 4,723 6 View
I'm specifically looking for California, so national would be OK if I can subset to CA. For my project, I don't actually need person-level or visit-level data, because I'm going to...
01 January 1970 7,073 3 View