01 January 1970 3 7K Report

I'm specifically looking for California, so national would be OK if I can subset to CA. For my project, I don't actually need person-level or visit-level data, because I'm going to use county-level estimates derived from the records. So pre-summarized data (i.e., estimates) would be fine, too. The caveat is that they must be from medical records (or health insurance records, or an administrative database like that), not a survey. 

I'll also accept references to vendors who collect and aggregate these. 

Thanks in advance! I've already found some things, but they are either non-US or just health insurance/claims. I'd like to use insurance and EMRs both in my study. 

Thanks in advance!


All Payers Claims Database: https://www.apcdcouncil.org/; https://www.apcdcouncil.org/about-apcd-council; http://www.rwjf.org/content/dam/farm/reports/issue_briefs/2014/rwjf409988  

Cal Index: Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield of CA effort (2014): https://www.calindex.org/ ; http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-insurance-database-patient-records-20140804-story.html

Automated Claims and Automated Medical Record Databases: Include US insurance claims, but only UK physician/MR data http://www.itmat.upenn.edu/acard.html

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