8 Questions 316 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from M. D.H. Prodhan
It is well known that the quality of the article published in renowned journals like Elsevier, Wiley, Springer, Tailor& Francis etc. are very good. Besides, several renowned open access...
29 December 2020 6,416 58 View
Variability of pesticide residues are inevitable. A deafult variability factor (Vf) of 3 are used but incase of medium and large size commodity crops a wide range of Vfs are estimated for several...
24 October 2020 728 6 View
Usually several methods are used to calculate uncertainty. At the time of analytical method development and validation for pesticide residue determination, it is necessary to estimate uncertainty....
19 October 2020 8,755 10 View
Usually GCMS, LCMS are used to determine pesticide residue. However, several findings are available to determine residues usuing spectroscopic method. Could you please clarify that using...
13 October 2020 1,410 15 View
You know that still in most of the country in the world are not started their study and research in the university due to covid 19 pandemic, although different research institutes are started...
01 January 1970 9,569 38 View
Now a days, the journals quality are asessed by the impact factor (IF) of the journal. Usually, the IF estimated by Clarivate analytics are well accepted. Do you have any idea that only Clarivate...
01 January 1970 1,561 51 View
The population of the world are increasing day by day and the world will need to produce 60 percent more food for the over increasing world population by 2050. On the other hand, if we are not...
01 January 1970 9,450 50 View
Now-a-days, food safety is a major concern to the consumers. The consumers are interested to buy safe food to enjoy a healthy life. However, in the recent years, the concept of organic food is...
01 January 1970 4,054 78 View