13 Questions 59 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from M. Manokari
Dear Experts! As mitosis in Allium cepa root tips can be viewed efficiently in the morning hours (7-8.30 am), I would like to know that is there any specific time to observe mitosis in all other...
19 November 2021 2,491 1 View
Dear Researchers, Greetings! I am trying to develop in vitro propagation protocol for Dioscorea species and phenolic exudation was found at initiation and subsequent stages, but the major problem...
01 January 1970 6,951 15 View
Dear Researchers! Since Activated Charcoal is an inert solid adsorbent material used in plant tissue culture to improve cell growth and development as well as adsorption of inhibitory substances...
01 January 1970 722 14 View
Dear Experts! Minimum how many elite accessions of mother plants have to be considered in developing tissue culture protocol. How does the number of accessions affect the efficiency of the...
01 January 1970 4,415 4 View
Anyone wondered why and how Aloe vera leaves develop white spots. (i) We’ve developed in vitro protocol for Aloe vera, and there were no white spots were appeared in the leaves when incubated...
01 January 1970 1,590 8 View
Dear Experts! How to prepare 1 µM solution of Fe EDDHA and Fe EDTA. I would like to know the formulae to convert µM solution into mg/L solution.
01 January 1970 4,033 0 View
Dear Experts! The culture vessel and ventilation types used in tissue culture set the limits between the plants grown in the culture vessels and their external environment. Nevertheless, the type...
01 January 1970 9,240 10 View
Dear Researchers! Greetings! I want to compare stomatal morphometric characteristics of various species (same family members at altered environments). ANOVA one-way test was applied using SPSS to...
01 January 1970 9,292 6 View
Dear Researchers! While optimizing nutrient media (apart from growth regulators), is gelling agents and their concentrations have antagonistic effects in relation to sucrose concentration. Thanks...
01 January 1970 2,819 0 View
Dear Experts! Silicon is used in plant tissue culture to enhance the growth and development of plants in vitro. I would like know the convincing physiological role of Calcium silicate (CaSiO3) in...
01 January 1970 9,031 6 View
Dear Experts! I have compared the stomatal features of leaves from Musa species. Mechanical peeling opted from fresh as well as preserved leaves (fixed in FAA - 1:1:3 ratio for 24 hr). I found...
01 January 1970 4,610 9 View
Dear Researchers! Anyone is using a portable photosynthesis measurement system. Could you please suggest the procedure to analyze Photosynthetic and stomatal conductance measurements? Thanks in...
01 January 1970 132 2 View
Using nanoparticles in PTC medium has positive results in in vitro flower induction, reducing bacterial contamination, somatic embryogenesis, etc., But what're the other technical challenges...
01 January 1970 4,513 11 View