12 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Lakshmeesha Kempaiah Nagappa
Are there any vendors for the following chemicals in INDIA other than SIGMA Dibenzyl N,N-diisopropylphosphoramidite Tetrol-7 thanks in advance
10 October 2018 8,206 0 View
I want to synthesis phospho lactate. Please suggest a protocol which is specific for lactic acid or in general for any hydroxy acid? this involves phosphorylation of the OH group. thanks in advance
10 October 2018 2,699 0 View
I am working on a mesophilic protein (37 kDa and dimer in solution). I wanted to crystalize this protein and hence concentrated it to ~10 mg/mL. when kept on ice, the protein precipitated. kept...
08 August 2018 9,818 6 View
I am trying to crystallize a mesophilic enzyme and had set up screening for conditions by microbatch method. I saw huge structures in many conditions (images attached) after 3 weeks. But when we...
08 August 2018 7,461 0 View
We wanted to tag a protein of interest with GFP mut3 version. upon generating the construct and sequencing it we found it has an additional mutation. A conserved leucine at 60th position had got...
08 August 2018 7,707 0 View
Hi, I am interested in nucleotide metabolism and performed serial dilution and spotting using ade1 and ade2 knockout yeast strains. it seems like ade1 grows slower than ade2 eventhough they are...
02 February 2018 9,145 0 View
I am planning to generate a Auxin induced degron parasite (P. berghei) for a gene of interest. literature is available for only ex vivo studies in the presence and absence of auxin. Is it possible...
01 January 2018 7,783 0 View
Hi, I am trying to secrete a heterologous protein in S. cerevisiae using alpha mating factor signal peptide at the N-terminus and GFP at c-terminus. The plasmid is a 2 micron (Ura selection)...
09 September 2017 7,030 7 View
I did a blast search with a sequence of my protein of interest. I got around 4000 sequences in the result. How do I eliminate redundant sequences and multiple entries for the same organism from a...
06 June 2017 4,294 4 View
Hi, I am working with a yeast strain which is knockout for a gene of interest (AMP Deaminase) (gene replaced by g418 casette). this strain cannot grow on S-adenosyl methionine (SAM). I transformed...
02 February 2016 4,639 2 View
In serial dilution and spotting assay using yeast (for any particular growth defect phenotype) we see that, at times there is considerable growth at lower dilutions (high cell density) and growth...
01 January 2016 9,954 3 View
I am trying to express a plasmodium protein in yeast whose gene is 2 kb but when I do RT PCR I get a 450 bp band. This was sequenced and I found that it has initial 430 bp followed by final 20 bp...
05 May 2014 7,287 4 View