7 Questions 5 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Krishna Chinta
I was wondering if culturing mouse BMDM's in 5% FBS vs 10% FBS will have significant differences in cell responses such as gene expression, cytokine production, etc.
10 October 2018 7,242 3 View
I need to detect ROI and RNI in mouse immune cells, preferably using flow cytometry. I have to fix the cells before running them on flow. I tried optimizing the CellRoX green for ROI, but...
04 April 2018 1,301 1 View
I recently came across Cell Press Sneak Peek. Is it a good idea to use this option while the paper is in the first round of peer review? What if the paper is rejected after the review. Will you be...
11 November 2017 598 3 View
Hi, Can anyone help in suggesting a method/s to compare the levels of three different proteins with each other (i.e., if one is comparing proteins A,B,C and needs to show that protein A is...
01 January 2017 4,739 3 View
I need to do a 24 hours infection experiment and want to know how many cells/well (maximum) I can seed in a 6-well plate, 12 hrs prior to experiment. Reason being that I don't want to handle a ton...
12 December 2016 3,236 2 View
Can any one explain the specific purpose of using CD63 in flow experiments. Is it used as a maker for internalization ? Thanks!
09 September 2016 240 1 View
Can anyone share a protocol to detect ROS and RNS in the immune cells isolated from mouse lungs, using flow cytometry. NOTE: Fixing of these cells before running them on the flow-cytometer is...
08 August 2016 6,067 1 View