13 Questions 135 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kathleen D Toohey
I have recently managed to have Devine's Master's thesis on Curtius posted on the UQ espace, but access is limited to current students and staff. I'd like to see it made more widely available,...
17 November 2022 5,832 7 View
I took these photos on a visit to Mycenae earlier this year. They were just lying in the hillside rubble next to the path somewhere between the end of the great ramp and the upper citadel and...
05 November 2018 9,845 17 View
In the sixth part of my thesis on Alexander the Great’s battle tactics, I argued that Alexander’s Heavy Cavalry, the Companions, Prodromoi and Paeonians, were the first cavalry in history to have...
19 August 2018 7,330 6 View
For example, back in 1937 a passage in Athenaeus quoting Theopompus was translated by Gulick as “triply a slave, but also triply a whore” in the old Loeb edition. By contrast the recent Loeb...
07 July 2017 3,199 63 View
It's been a long time since I did my one semester of Classical Greek at UQ, and while I can work my way through Liddell and Scott to identify the words, putting them together in a coherent...
29 May 2017 5,134 11 View
I raise this as a point of discussion. Two days ago I heard a news story about newly found ca. 6,000 year old hillfort at Khirbet Abu al-Husayn in the Jordan desert. The remarkable stonework at...
07 October 2016 348 37 View
I've read much about Augustus' placement of veteran colonies in places like Antioch in Pisidia. There was clearly an intent to use the placement of these colonies for regional defence and...
17 May 2015 1,238 14 View
This Latin inscription comes from the base of a statue erected in Antioch in Pisidia by the citizens of Alexandria in Egypt. I don't expect that the statue will have survived, but would be...
09 March 2015 2,787 9 View
This stems from the earlier question I posted on 1 October 2013, for a friend seeking the source of a reference to these in a medieval translation of Boethius. Please see that question for more...
20 October 2013 2,282 5 View
I'd be interested to know of any evidence that the Macedonians used crucifixions for executions, particularly in or before the 4th century BCE.
19 September 2013 6,268 4 View
I'm looking at Philip's assassination and seeking to profile his killer. To that end I'd like to know if, apart from Pausanius (and the youth of the same name who was supposed to have supplanted...
26 June 2013 3,075 5 View
Does anyone know the following quotation from Plutarch attributed to Philip II of Macedon? "It is not only the most warlike peoples, the Boeotians, Spartans, and Cretans, who are the most...
26 June 2013 435 5 View
I am looking for photographs, including aerial, of the sites of Alexander's main battles; Gaugamela, Issus, Granicus and the Hydaspes; and any reports on any archaeological surveys of the sites....
28 April 2013 7,336 24 View